Private revelations aggregated on Tuesday, October 29, 2024 at 08:46 AM.

in endtimes •  4 months ago 

Visionary: Maria Divine Mercy, Ireland, Prayers from the Book of Truth
Received on: Sunday, September 8, 2013
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Crusade Prayer 120, Stop the Spread of War:

“O my sweet Jesus, take away the wars, which destroy humanity. Protect the innocents from suffering. Protect the souls who try to bring true peace. Open the hearts of those afflicted by the pain of war. Protect the young and vulnerable. Save all souls whose lives are destroyed by war. Strengthen all of us, dear Jesus, who pray for the souls of all God’s children and grant us the grace to withstand the suffering, which may be given to us during times of strife. We beg you to stop the spread of war and bring souls into the sacred refuge of your heart. Amen.”

Go, all of you who hear me, and ask me for the graces you will need to endure my pain at this time.

-- Your Jesus

Visionary: The Bible in a Year (Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Received on: Wednesday, October 6, 2021
Message URL:

This is a video series/podcast which explores the Bible in chronological order using the Great Adventure Bible Timeline. There are one or two videos per day.

Today's video is:

Day 278: Power in Weakness — The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)

Watch this video on YouTube here:

Visionary: Maureen Sweeney-Kyle, Holy Love Ministries, North Ridgeville, Ohio
Received on: Monday, May 1, 1995
Message URL:

Blessed Virgin Mary

Our Lady comes in white. Her Heart is exposed. Purple, pink and white rays are coming from It.

She bends over me and says: “Solemnly, I come to tell you today, the world is slipping deeper and deeper into the Season of Tribulation. This is by way of man's infidelity to God which lifts the staying Hand of Protection from the world. As evil is on the increase, the cataclysmic events I have foretold will increase in severity. If hearts do not return to God and petition His assistance in these events, soon His Hand will be withdrawn completely. Before, you were in the Spring of Tribulation, now, you approach Autumn. When Winter comes, God's Presence will not be felt in the world. Hearts will be won over by evil and My words to you will be fulfilled. This is the reason I continue My visits to you, and to many around the world, for time has not been exhausted, and grace is still inspiring and converting hearts. My child, continue to pray, pray, pray.”

Visionary: Maureen Sweeney-Kyle, Holy Love Ministries, North Ridgeville, Ohio
Received on: Tuesday, May 2, 1995
Message URL:

May 2, 1995 Weekly Rosary Service Our Lady of Guadalupe

Our Lady is here as Our Lady of Guadalupe. She says: “I invite you to pray for all those who will be coming on the Twelfth.” We prayed. “Dear children, tonight I invite you, more than ever, to pray that all hearts return to God. This plague of apostasy and evil that pervades hearts is more intense than any plague that visited Pharaoh. This plague destroys souls and therefore, is the most distasteful that can visit Earth. Dear children, once again, I invite you to realize that only hearts that love can enter My Son's Kingdom. Therefore, continue to pray, pray, pray that all hearts accept Holy Love. ” Our Lady blessed us and left.

Visionary: Maureen Sweeney-Kyle, Holy Love Ministries, North Ridgeville, Ohio
Received on: Wednesday, May 3, 1995
Message URL:

Blessed Virgin Mary

Our Lady came with the scent of roses. She had roses in front of Her like I had on the May altar. She is in white. She says: “I desire, My daughter, that you know and understand in your heart that: The New Jerusalem and Holy Love are one and the same. This is where My children will live after My Son returns – in a climate and environment that is Holy Love. Hasten to make this known to all My little children. In this give praise to Jesus.”

Visionary: Maureen Sweeney-Kyle, Holy Love Ministries, North Ridgeville, Ohio
Received on: Wednesday, May 3, 1995
Message URL:

Blessed Virgin Mary

Our Lady comes in white. She is radiant and smiling. She says: “I am your Mother and I come in praise of Jesus. I come to tell all My little children that I desire so much to give all humanity My Love. I am unable to give My Love to hearts that do not love Me. This is why I come to you – to make My Love known throughout the world. So many hearts fear this Season of Tribulation. So many tremble at the thought of the coming chastisement. But today I tell you, for God there is only one season – the Season of Love. This is the climate My Son desires the world live in – that of love. I am blessing you now.”

Visionary: Maureen Sweeney-Kyle, Holy Love Ministries, North Ridgeville, Ohio
Received on: Wednesday, May 3, 1995
Message URL:

Jesus Christ

From Jesus “Holy Love is the Gateway and the Kingdom.”

Visionary: Maureen Sweeney-Kyle, Holy Love Ministries, North Ridgeville, Ohio
Received on: Friday, May 5, 1995
Message URL:

May 5, 1995 First Anniversary of the Feast of Holy Love Blessed Virgin Mary

Our Lady is here with a huge angel whose wings expand behind Our Lady. She says: “Do you recall, My child, what we were doing last year at this time?

[We were digging for the spring]

“In this let us give praise to Jesus. My sweet child, it is not long until mankind will be given an hour of decision; a moment of truth. All will see how they have failed in Holy Love. Holy Love will be the measure of fidelity to God and to His law. For this reason, the tide of necessity rises to make My words to you known. Print what I have given you concerning future events, and most especially on the Twelfth of each month, in a separate and complete issue. Some do not want to attend to these issues at hand, while others are distracted by them. While all the time, I hand you Heaven's solution, which is Holy Love. From time to time, you will update this issue as I continue to enlighten you. I will join you today in prayer. Thank you for attending to My call.”

She leaves.

Visionary: Maria Divine Mercy, Ireland, Prayers from the Book of Truth
Received on: Sunday, July 24, 2011
Message URL:

WHEN YOU PRAY TO ME EACH DAY, SAY THIS PRAYER: “O my precious Jesus, embrace me in your arms and allow my head to rest upon your shoulders, so that you can raise me up to your glorious Kingdom when the time is right. Allow your Precious Blood to flow over my heart that we can be united as one.”

-- Your Beloved Saviour, Jesus Christ

Visionary: Maria Divine Mercy, Ireland, Prayers from the Book of Truth
Received on: Friday, January 25, 2013
Message URL:

Crusade Prayer 96

TO BLESS AND PROTECT OUR CRUSADE PRAYER GROUP: “O my dearest Jesus, please bless and protect us, your Crusade Prayer group, so that we become immune to the wicked assaults of the Devil, and to any evil spirits, which may torment us in this sacred mission to save souls. May we remain loyal and strong, as we persevere to keep your holy Name before the world and never waive in our struggle to spread the truth of your holy Word. Amen.”

-- Your Jesus

Visionary: Maria Divine Mercy, Ireland, Prayers from the Book of Truth
Received on: Sunday, March 25, 2012
Message URL:

Crusade Prayer 41

FOR THE SOULS OF NON-BELIEVERS: “O my Jesus, help your poor children, who are blind to your promise of Salvation. I beseech you, with the help of my prayers and suffering, to open the eyes of non-believers, so that they can see your tender love and run into your sacred arms for protection. Help them to see the truth and seek forgiveness for all their sins, so...

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