Melanin, energy of the future

in energies-clean •  8 years ago 

We have succeeded for the first time, the alternating electric power generation by self-renewing cells that separate and meet photoelectrochemical hydrogen from water.

This is a key to enter fully into the era of scientific advancement hydrogen.

In 1990, we started, in my laboratory in Aguascalientes, omputarizados methods used to study the three leading causes of blindness in Mexico. These methods allowed us to analyze the retina and nerve in the living being in form very similar to the technique called spectrophotometry. That is, one specific wavelength is applied and an image or characteristic response is obtained.

By changing the wavelength and / or put contrast media and filters, as a penetration radars, other images that provide important for evaluating eye diseases information is obtained. During this investigation, we found the important function of a substance, melanin, also known chemically as polihidroxiindol, because it has extraordinary properties and they all bring something to protect the tissue, but none explained a so constant and so complete protection.

artificially we obtained the first 20 milliliters of melanin for the first time in 1998, because my idea was that if the instilábamos in the eye, could obtain adequate therapeutic effects. Therapeutic results have been impressive, far beyond what we expected.

It took twelve years, from 1990-2002, to understand how this substance worked so effectively, to confirm our hypothesis -amazing even for ourselves that delivers hydrogen to the cell. That is, it captures the photon energy and transforms it into chemical energy. This left us stunned, because the hydrogen atom is the smallest, most abundant in the universe, and is the carrier of energy you use most nature.

For clarity we define photosynthesis photon absorption of electromagnetic radiation which gives results in the initiation of an ionic event.

Until today, it is accepted as the only chlorophyll widespread in nature that is capable of delivering hydrogen to the plant cell substance widely.

another substance is not conceived in eukaryotic cells (mammals, fish, birds, insects, etc.) that, from capture photons of electromagnetic radiation, the energy required to obtain from the water molecule. The results obtained with melanin confirm to us that not only plants perform photosynthesis, but also made all mammals, including any living creature whose genetic code to express melanin. That is, chlorophyll is the vegetable kingdom which melanin is the animal kingdom.

Fig. 3. Proposed formula (theoretical) of melanin.
Formula B chlorophyll.
As can be seen in Fig.3, both compounds have some similar aspects, among which is the reaction center where the four nitrogens (4 N). With melanin it seems that nature made a superclorofila because chlorophyll has one reaction center, but has hundreds of melanin reaction centers per gram of substance.

In various research institutes, it has sought to exploit the chlorophyll split the water molecule to obtain hydrogen for energy purposes, but it turns out that once out of the sheet, 20 seconds chlorophyll inactive form permanent. The University of California has 50 years trying to improve this without getting useful results.

This accompanied our first question: if we remove melanin tissue and put it to produce energy, how we going to last? ¿30 seconds, 50 seconds? To our surprise it works for years, and if we perfect the technology, probably work decades or hundreds of years. That is, melanin is thousands of times more efficient to capture the elementary particles of electromagnetic radiation (photons) chlorophyll.
The question was how water power is removed? Of the water molecule it is possible to extract energy to decouple bind oxygen and hydrogen atoms.

Energy is produced from water with the following reaction:

The reaction schematized means that two molecules of water, more melanin and in the presence of photons of electromagnetic radiation, symbolized by the sun, we results in two hydrogen molecules, an oxygen molecule and four high-energy electrons. But when the reaction occurs in the direction from right to left, are reattached hydrogen atoms and oxygen which gives water and electricity, and the melanin is unchanged, because only supports catalyzes the reaction without damage to its molecule.

Two water molecules more electromagnetic radiation of the sun, in the presence of melanin, gives us two molecules of hydrogen, an oxygen molecule and four high-energy electrons. The arrow indicates the direction of the reaction, going in both directions and when the reaction goes from right to left water and electricity is produced, and being complementary reactions, ie an exergonic and other endergónica, a cycle is established whose It lasts for years, since melanin is unimpaired itself because it only supports reactions.

Melanin captures the energy of the photons, which are elementary particles of electromagnetic radiation and with that extracts hydrogen from water. The time it takes to collect the energy needed to split the water molecule is 3 x 10-12 seconds and melanin reaction is reversible.

Fig. 4. absorption spectrum of chlorophyll, with absorption peaks at 450 nanometers and 650 nanometers.
B electromagnetic spectrum where melanin greater amplitude and efficiency is observed, which absorbs thousands of times more photons chlorophyll.
We estimate that a third of the usual power available to man, comes from melanin, light and water. But this third part is the primordial energy, ie, it is equivalent to the activation energy of the main chemical reactions in the body; since, according to therapeutic results have been extraordinary all the systems rely on it in one way or another, or even the need to start and / or sustain (the chemical energy generated by the melanin from energy photonics).

Fig. 4. absorption spectrum of chlorophyll, with absorption peaks at 450 nanometers and 650 nanometers.
B electromagnetic spectrum where melanin greater amplitude and efficiency is observed, which absorbs thousands of times more photons chlorophyll.
This is consistent with the clinical findings with respect to time tolerating a person without water. To date, only accepted that water is primarily the solvent or diluent universal, but if we add that it is also, along with the light and melanin, the source of a third of the total energy used by the human body, and also that energy is the one that initiates the most important processes such as vision, for example, then it is understandable that the lack of water only tolerates three days, unlike the lack of food, which up to three weeks tolerated.

We have compared this molecule in humans with melanin molecules of other species and we have been surprised that the molecule is the same in all species. NASA defines life as a self-sustaining, chemical system capable of Darwinian evolution shaped.
Melanin is undoubtedly a very important precursor of life.

Fig. 6. Image of the eye at 35 days of a human pregnancy. The eye of the fetus is completely filled with melanin. This substance is so important for the existence formed immediately and provides energy to the tissues that can carry out all series of reactions that lead to life.
In January 2005, he is listening to a speech by US President George W. Bush, saying "We need substances to separate hydrogen from water to enter fully into the era of hydrogen" I thought: Why not use melanin? I gave myself the task of finding the answer and decided to not use it because, apart from me, no one else knew, and without much thought; I started in June 2005, the procedures of the patent: "photoelectrochemical method for separating water into hydrogen and oxygen, using as element electrolyzing melanin, analogs, precursors or derivatives thereof".

Fig. 7. approximate dimensional structure of melanin.
Generating electricity
Another key feature of melanin is its stability in water, which is very important for power generation. For example, the first sign that we synthesize in January 1998 began its ninth year without any deterioration in January 2007. The first cells (prototypes) already made in order to generate electricity, began in January 2007 his sixth semester They are working continuously at room temperature.

Fig. 8 photoelectrochemical cell self-renewing Prototype connected to a voltmeter dimension allowing changes in electrical potential by introducing melanin (empty cell).
In Figure 8 the voltmeter zero is observed when the container contains a solution of melanin; in contrast, in Figure 9, the voltmeter 300 millivolts and it reaches up to 470 millivolts to increase the concentration thereof.
Moreover, once sealed, the cell does not require recharging in any way.
On 13 March this year we light the first solid type focus (LEDS) which remains lit continuously six months later and lit day and night. Our cells are still elementary, but produce energy and are already working to make them more efficient and scale with competitive costs.
At first, we used a 1.3% concentration of melanin and 98.7% water. Then, when we raise to 4% concentration of melanin, power generation grew exponentially.

In terms of technological development, we have achieved significant progress and I think that may reflect the potential of that cell. For example: in early 2006, I could produce a liter and a half of melanin every three months and the cells that had were 30 mL and produced 400 mV

the first time a focus of solid state, the cells that could produce was 500 mL, produced about 500 mV and 200 uA, but could now produce about 50 liters of melanin. For example, the modules used for demonstration, allow me to light a LED with 10 cells of 500 mL.

Fig. 9 cell with melanin.
Recently, we could turn first a small music player, but it gives us each cell 600 mV and up to 200 mA, ie, three more than the 200 uA zeros. Currently, in our small laboratory we produce about 200 liters of melanin.
The outlook, for now, are mainly lighting.
We want in two years begin to illuminate massively. That is, we have set the goal that in two years we already have a design worth place everywhere. In five years, we want a prototype armored vehicle and most interesting is that it would be a vehicle that would never go to the gas station. We need financial support for interdisciplinary teams to scale the cell technology effectively and quickly, because we support our professions and this research

Consider that several European nations and the United States say they have budgeted one hundred billion dollars for the eventual construction of hidrogasolineras, ie gas stations that will deliver hydrogen. They do not know where they will get the hydrogen because, for now, the hydrogen can be removed only gas and oil.

Under current conditions of knowledge, thousand liters of melanin provide ten thousand volts and milliamps, but these figures can be modified according to specific needs, ie, it can be modulated according to the size of the cells, ways to connect with each other , size and arrangement of the electrodes, changes in the formula of the central substrate, etc., ie the possibilities are almost endless, and according to Vladimir S. Bagotsky, in his book Fundamentals of Electrochemistry, published by Wiley publishing, second edition, in 2007, clearly states on page 22 that "in this type of design can not be predicted", ie you have to try everything.

FRONT Skepticism

Fig. 10. (A) connected to the cell Oscilloscope.
Our proposal has been met with skepticism in some forums where we presented, because the concept that only plants, not mammals, can perform photosynthesis -that means capture the photon energy into useful chemical energy for the cell in this case plant is deeply rooted. However, in May 2007, published the article "Ionizing Radiation Changes the Electronic Properties of Melanin and Enhances the Growth of Melanized Fungi" written by Ekaterina Dadachova and colleagues at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York (PLoS ONE 2 (5): e457 doi:. 10.1371 / journal.pone.0000457).

This article is very important, because, finally, a team

on Fig. 10 (B) LED cell.
independent investigators also found consistent findings, our concepts related to the melanin has the ability to perform photosynthesis, and also as a result of observation of biological effects thereof. This is understandable since it is accepted that melanin is "untreatable" (The Physical and Chemical Properties of eumelanin, Paul Meredith and Tadeusz Sarna, 2006, Blackwell Munksgaard doi: 10.1111 / j.1600-0749.2006.00345), which refers it has not been possible to distinguish the chemical structure of the same, so that we can infer from and / or explaining; if not all, some of its outstanding physicochemical properties. This study confirms the extraordinary difficulty of studying melanin and raises a very specific question: Where the photon energy that absorbs melanin, which is also a lot going?

Fig.11. lamp lit with small cells.
Our findings also were based on observation Fig. 10. Oscilloscope connected to the cell. biological effects of melanin on the human retina, but the findings are controversial. However, we have been advancing both the development of applications in AC power generation, and the development of drugs that modulate photosynthesis in humans, based, of course, all bioethical and legal aspects implicit. another patent formalities began in 2006 based on the extraordinary therapeutic results.

In the article by Ekaterina Dadachova and colleagues, it states that the mechanisms involved in their research resemble how plants get energy from photosynthesis. The findings of this equipment should contribute to faster acceptance of the results of our research, allowing both scientists and government officials as well as

Fig. 12. (A) Image worktable with several connected cells.
entrepreneurs can make better decisions with regard to integrating ultidisciplinarios equipment to develop as quickly as possible all applications in the field of energy, as in the area of ​​medical pharmacology. In the latter field, the pharmacological modulation of photosynthesis in humans has exceeded expectations were, for example in diseases such as Alzheimer's, arthritis of various types, kidney disease, enteropathy, sepsis, etc.


Finally, we must highlight the growing global concern about climate change. Each year warming trends are accelerated and everything indicates that go to a global disaster situation. The imminence of natural disasters, if they do not act quickly, exceed all capacities of governments and peoples to mitigate and address this phenomenon and its consequences, experts say.

Fig. 12 (B) Group LED illuminated cells.
By all indications, climate change is already exceeding the actions envisaged in the Kyoto Protocol.
Faced with this situation, the development of melanin-based solutions offer a light at the end of the tunnel. I think it's worth seriously examine and develop it. Possibly make a national project that reaches beyond borders.

The demand for an efficient self-renewing photoelectrochemical cell, from the point of view of cost-benefit will be overwhelming.

Fig. 13. Optic nerve.
I just hardly going to make it in the short term. So I'm at a stage of searching not only financial but strategic, logistical and technological support, for a task of this size requires many minds cooperate shining in his corner. But it is a possibility that today should be within our reach.

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