First Energy Report for August 2016 Blood Contracts

in energy •  9 years ago 

I feel a change of gears in the Industry.
Blood contracts have been called in.
It's not a game anymore.

Those who remained true.
And those who remained quiet, but sold their soul, literally, a long time ago.

No, not all are evil. Not all have sold out.
That is completely ridiculous to assume!
To assume that the light doesn't have the power to stand next to darkness and not be extinguished!
We too of the light have our voice in the Industry, and it is NOT NOT NOT the voice of religion or CHRISTIANITY, or Christians in the Industry!!!!

"Talented people" have been hunted, harvested and enslaved for centuries. Why?? Because they really do have power! They really do have a gift to touch people's hearts and inspire them to greatness. The Darkness cannot allow that! So they "recruit" them promising them all their wildest dreams come true, as long as they do what they're told.

See the Darkness isn't about money, fame, fortune..... It's about POWER.
The End.

And THAT ladies and gentlemen is your RED FLAG.

At this juncture, the blood contracts have been called in. The final campaign is being readied for launch. The "celebrities" that are owned are no longer clueless and innocent, they have been briefed and know full well what is going on.

Many many many people honestly believe that this is the best way for humanity to proceed.
It is logical and practical for the masses to be controlled.... It seems like a genuinely sweet deal to be given everything your heart desires materially in exchange for your obedience.... Many people really don't see anything wrong with this.
I mean, what more could a person want???


Follow energy and Spirit, not logic or patterns or even past tried and true methods of discernment!
Everything is in Chaos frequency. Trust no one, or no thing. Only your own true inner sense, your heart, your gut, your intuition, your connection to source, spirit, god.

And don't be caught confusing discernment with judgement!
Do not judge! Lest ye be judged.....

Know the difference between discernment by intuition and judgement.
Know the difference between righteous indignation and judgement.
Know the difference between love and pacifism.
Love is not weakness! Love is not indifference! And contrary to popular bullshit, love is not blind!

Don't get caught out there not KNOWING.

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