Wireless Energy: "Tesla amplified the very weak radio wave signal and produced a very high voltage output"

in energy •  2 years ago 

"Antennas are the single most sensitive satellite element to interference, because they operate by deliberately turning electromagnetic fields into electric currents and vice versa."

"Tesla would fool with some tuners and tune in the right frequency and got 240 volts delivered through the air to his car."

"Tesla connected the antenna (an electrical device which converts electric radio waves into current – i.e. an infinitely free power supply) to the center-tap of the ignition coil of the Pierce Arrow. 12 vacuum tubes were then wired (connected) together in parallel and connected to the ignition coil. In this circuit, Tesla amplified the very weak radio wave signal and produced a very high voltage output. Enough to power the 80 HP AC electric motor for a full week, often at speeds of up to 90 mph."

"Since the source of energy that powered Tesla’s electric car in 1931 was energy harvested from EM waves that is everywhere this type of electric car had unlimited range.

Tesla used an antenna to capture this free energy and he was able to drive for hours with no stopping whatsoever for a recharge. If he drove and ended up in the middle of nowhere he could stop and rest and continue on in a couple of hours or even days without ever having to worry about running out of power."

"The short-range machine can also have electricity beamed to it from a generating plant on a long-range aircraft / spacecraft or on the ground."

"All the generator needed was an external energy source to start it up, after which it ran till someone stopped it or because of a mechanical failure. This Tesla mentions in his correspondence with Sava Kosanovic, March 1, 1941...

"I add that in the station one must have a small generator or battery of 30 volts for activation.""

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"It is entirely plausible that Tesla made use of the alternator to continually recharge the Pierce Arrow’s single 12 volt automotive battery and help supply sufficient power to the electric motor."

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