ENERGY: WHAT IS IT?steemCreated with Sketch.

in energy •  5 years ago  (edited)

ENERGY ~ It's hard to pin down the meaning, when energy comes in many shapes and sizes...

However, Wikipedia states, "In physics, energy is a property of objects which can be transferred to other objects or converted into different forms. The "ability of a system to perform work" is a common description, but it is difficult to give one single comprehensive definition of energy because of its many forms."

Creighton mentions, "A few billion years from now, as our star begins to transition into a red giant, temperatures on our world will increase, and life will be extinguished. Just a few billion years after that, once the Sun exhausts its supply of material to sustain nuclear fusion, it will begin its death throes. When this happens, it will cast off its outer layers and, eventually, fade into darkness.

Nothing in our universe is eternal…or is it?"


Kendrick ~

"Pride is my biggest sin
I tride to fight it but I never win
Layin' myself down in the beds I made
Karma is always knockin' with capital K's
It started when I was tossin' my life in the sand (?)
Crossin' the street, momma don't you hold my hand
Time revealing itself my ways are magnified
Same patterns requiring that I never camouflage​
Looking at me in shock you found my identity
Asking yourself do I have room 4 empathy

The note ends: "Subject 2 change. But not me."

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