The key to keeping the heart healthy is very beneficial. It also removes harmful cholesterol from the body. There are several types of vitamins and minerals. The key is not only eating kismash water but also the vitamins and minerals enter the body. Another reason for soaking in water is that it reduces the amount of sugar in the stomach.
It is very beneficial for the loss of blood. Because, Kismus creates new blood in the body. Besides, there is no pairing to clean your liver or liver. Studies have shown that organic chemistry is started in the liver when water plays with the key.
For this reason, rapid blood transfusion inside the body continues. At least four days after drinking water, the stomach becomes very clear. There will be no stomach wrinkle. You will also get energy efficient.
Liver also needs to work better along with kidneys to clean blood. This causes leprosy and kidney problems in the body when the harmful substances start to grow which makes us sick. Therefore, liver and kidneys should always be kept mutual. Kismash's water is very good. Hajam Shakti increases due to this.
How to make Kismus water:
2 cups of water (400 ml) and 150 grams of kismis will need. What kind of keymaps are buying in this case, it is very important. Do not buy cheeses that are very bright. It mixes chemicals. Try to buy bold color keys. It must take a keymap that is not too hard, but it is not very soft.
Wash the cheeses well several times. Then put two cups of water in a pot and keep the night away from the kismis. Take it in the morning, take it on the empty stomach in the morning by heating the water. Do not eat anything from 30 to 35 minutes?
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Why eat peas everyday?
The popular vegetable peas in winter. Just like eating and having lots of nutrients too. Regular peanuts can be prevented by eliminating cancer prevention, weight control, and various health problems. Come on, know about the quality of peas.
Lose weight
There is no fat in the peas. There are proteins, fiber, and nutrition ingredients in 1 cup of peas, but the strength is less than 100 calories. So peas effective in weight control.
Prevent stomach cancer
There are polyphenone in the peas, which can play a role in preventing cancer. Apart from this, peas have anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory, which reduce the risk of all types of cancer. That is why it is better to eat at least 2 milligrams of peas every day.
Increases the immune system
Important elements such as junk, iron and calcium are in pea. It also contains high amounts of anti-oxidants. So playing peas regularly, different types of disease-protection can be avoided.
Decrease in age
Peas contain antioxidants, phenolic acid, polyphenone, carotene and catechin. So playing peanuts daily improves age and improves skin brightness.
Before the baby is born
Peas have large amounts of folic acid. Folic acid is extremely beneficial for mother and child. So before the baby is born, peas will be eaten.
Increase digestion
Peas are fiber which helps digestion. So peas are very suitable for those who have constipation.
Beneficial for eyes
Vitamin A is a very useful element for eyes. There are enough vitamins in peas. Playing peas regularly increases the eyesight.
Skin protection
Good for pea skin. It contains Vitamin C, which enhances the beauty of the skin. Besides, there is no pair of peas to get rid of when burnt somewhere. Peas effective to remove black spots in the body.
Even though the peas are winter vegetables, cold storage facilities are available all year round. Many people also drink peas during the year, even after preserving them in deep fries. Deep Fijage can keep the raw peas out of grain and keep it straight. Boil the peas in hot water for normal fridge, otherwise it will germinate?