RE: πŸ† The Curation and Engagement Leagues πŸ† - STEEM prizes available! 🎁

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πŸ† The Curation and Engagement Leagues πŸ† - STEEM prizes available! 🎁

in engagement β€’Β  7 years agoΒ 

I know that you won't do it :) but couldn't leave the chance unused to notice it!

i'm just catching up on a few comments before going to bed. 😊

Are you, or are you just postponing bed time, to do some more activity?

Night night,

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Nope. I NEVER postpone bedtime.

I was in bed by 11 p.m. @fullcoverbetting. Feeling very pleased with myself.

Still later than I would like but a step in the right direction. 😊

I was in bed by euhm 1.30 a.m. a little bit later than expected and it was sowing this morning :(
Still did waist at least an hour by watching television, could have sneak in another 10 comments or so :)

Snowing?!!!! Where are you @fullcoverbetting? 😊

Not sowing, not snowing, it had to be showing :)
See it does take it toll! :)

Ha, ha, ha. That's hilarious @fullcoverbetting. It definitely does take it's toll. No doubt about that.

Right. That's me done for now.

i'm off to breakfast! 😊

Have a fun day!