RE: The Curation and Engagement Leagues 🏆 - STEEM prizes & steem-bounty available! 🎁

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The Curation and Engagement Leagues 🏆 - STEEM prizes & steem-bounty available! 🎁

in engagement •  7 years ago 

I love hearing stories such as yours. Its really inspiring to have found someone whose love is greater than yours.

Good luck on the move, I hope it would be soon. Please say HI to your lovely wife. 😊

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Don't sell yourself short, all you need is time!

Love is a decision, you have to decide that the person you love is part of yourself, and is at the very top of your "must do" list! This is strangely more commitment than love, but it is the only real foundation to grow love upon. Your partner will grow in love, if they are 100% sure that you are committed to BE THERE, permanently!

Your shared core must be: "It's you and me, against the World"; and we will support each other, over all else! Do this, and Love will Blossom to new levels every day!

The move will be slow, because I have to remodel the house to work with her wheelchair. Also the house was damaged by a roof leak, so I must do repairs too. The roof is repaired, and the demolition for the wheelchair is done. The old house systems are removed and junked, and I have started on the upgrades for solar powered utilities. It will take time, but I intend to build in all the special things I have wanted to build in for 30 years. I am an Engineer, and I have been designing alternate energy systems for decades. This house will have them all!

I intend to run my lights, appliances, heating, and air conditioning from solar power. Buy I may do the solar after we are moved, because the house is on grid right now, but I still want to fire them. :D

I have learned so much from you sir! You are indeed a man of experience and full of love. I love your idea you and me against the world! That is very true. Love is truly more than a relationship, it is commitment for life. Time is surely of essence, build a foundation where love can continually grow...

I think your house will be grand!! I could just imagine all the fancy and probably estate of the arc facilities and equipment you plan to install. The remodelling and improvements will surely take long to finish but im pretty sure, it is worth the wait. I cannot wait to see it.😀

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I took my first course on alternate energy in 1980. This was when people were still laughing at the idea. We built the first ground loop system that I am aware of, and made it seven times more efficient than the then current systems.

I have made some changes over the years, but this is the first chance I have had to do the work for US! The heating and air system I have located is three times more efficient, than the ultra efficient system I helped build in 1980! I removed a system that drew 50 amps to cool the house; I will replace it with a pair of units that will draw 8.4 amp if they run together, and make more cooling than the old unit.

I also intend to use an Earth Battery to increase the efficiency even higher.

If you place your partner above yourself, and your partner does the same, you will live in a heaven on Earth!

Love without keeping score, and you will both become a matchless couple! :)

Wow!! I love your work if only I had taken engineering in college, that would had been great!

In this day and generation, we need to have some alternative energy especially that climate change is a bit scary already given the present situation.

Love without hesitations, love unconditionally.

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Love without hesitations, love unconditionally.

You got it! That is the core.

Do NOT worry about global warming! The same idiots that claim that is going on, were using the same data to predict a global Ice Age four decades ago!

They are paid hacks, and not scientists! I have looked at their data, and what passes for a design of experiments (DOE) and their predictions are without any scientific support. They have made a number of fatal mistakes in their analysis, and some outright falsifications, to support their claim. SO DO NOT be concerned, they are incompetent liars, but they are not scientists.

We need alternate energy because it makes sense, and will save money.

Be Blessed! :)

Hahahaha finally! Oh sir! I have more to learn in this life..

Really?? People are already panicking on the global warming!

We need alternate energy because it makes sense, and will save money.

I believe so, it is as simple as that.

More blessings coming your way too!

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They count on people panicking, that is their goal. If they can keep you panicked, they can get you to agree to anything!

Carbon dioxide is a process outlier. That means that it has no discernable effect on the process. It has nothing to do with global temperature, and tgey know that! But they can tax carbon, and control the World, economically.

I would have failed my freshman year, if I had presented such a badly done analysis! So, so NOT be worried, it is only a Massive power grab, controlled by idiots. >:(

I see!!! Got it! Thank you for the information.. Now I know!

How I wish there are more of you in this world!

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