RE: The Curation and Engagement Leagues 🏆 - STEEM prizes & steem-bounty available! 🎁

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The Curation and Engagement Leagues 🏆 - STEEM prizes & steem-bounty available! 🎁

in engagement •  7 years ago 

Congrats @janton, @lynncoyle1, @ecoinstant, @gillianpearce and @abh12345 for making that desirable top 5 in the engagement league again. Of course, also a big thumbs up to everyone who has made the list.

It's good to see my Redfish Rockets - @cicisaja, @headchange, @buckaroo and @tryskele - still going strong. You guys are making me proud :0)

As for myself, it looks like I'm slowly getting up to speed again. If I would only make the effort to take out that laptop out a little more often... I'm never going to make it back to the top of that list if I keep relying on my 'one-thumb-typing' on my phone, lol.

12th place, maybe a little soon to party hard, but coincidence or not, I just found my happy dance-gif again... after all those weeks.
And since i'm pretty happy with my ranking this week, I might just as well loosen up my legs a little :0)
So, here we go:

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Thanks I am still very honored to be one of the rockets. It is good to see you feeling a bit better maybe after harvest time you will have more time for comments. I know summer slows down my Steem time a bit.
I kind of like that happy dancer. May have to find myself one for my first top ten week. It is coming eventually.

I have got plenty of time to comment - I have nothing on my hands all day long. But I'm not always in the mood. These last months have been really though, and sometimes I just don't feel like doing anything but sleep.

But my state of mind is getting better every day. If only I would take out that laptop again... my typing-speed on my phone is really slow compared to that on my laptop.

I think I first used the gif when I ended in 2nd place a couple of months ago. Then my ranking dropped, so there was no use for it anymore. When I switched phones, I lost the saved image and couldn't find it anymore. Just today I came across it again, and I was so happy that I had it back, I couldn't resist using it again, even if it was to celebrate a lousy 12th place :0)

That is all a matter of perspective.

even if it was to celebrate a lousy 12th place

If you take into consideration 12th place was my best ever placement.
For me anywhere in the top 20 is pretty good, but hope to do top ten once at least.
Hope things get better. I think we are all rooting for you.

It's indeed a matter of perspective. The thing I remember best was ranking 2nd. Meanwhile, what I'm forgetting is that just a few weeks ago I barely made it to the list. If I rdmember correctly, I ranked somewhere between 60 and 70.
Pretty hard to digest, since i'm a very competitive person, lol. So maybe that happy dance was appropriate, when you consider where I'm coming from :0

A happy dance is always appropriate. Unless it involves a psycho babe requiring a seizure warning.

It all depends on your definition of 'appropriate', lol

Thank you @simplymike. Definitely get your laptop out and get back in the top 10.

You're soooooooo close. 😁

It may be indeed be an extra motivation, lol.
But I still need to double my score to get close to the top 5 again, and I don't even want to do the math to see how much better i would have to do to make it to first place, lol.

But then again, a couple of weeks ago I was barely ranked. Doing a little better every week. I just hope I can keep that up :0)

I wouldn't bother looking at the numbers @simplymike just focus on getting back into the top 10 and doing a little better every week, as you say.

You never know what might happen. Someone's chair might break or someone might need to take time off or someone might get bored and look for something else to do. So many possibilities.

I reckon switching from phone to laptop could make a huge difference. it would to me, that's for sure. 😁

Focusing on the numbers is not even an option, lol. Even if I could work on 2 laptops at the same time, typing with 4 hands, I wouldn't even come close to what @janton is doing.

I mean, to get those numbers, week after week... I'm pretty sure it goes a little like this:



That gif always makes me laugh!

Tje Reddish rockets are going great guns, and you have done really well on the thumbs this week! Im currently flying through the replies to this post with the index finger and phone plugged into the battery pack - it's taking a wee while for sure!

Lol, welcome to my world ;0)

Hooray! My favorite happy dance is back :)

@brittandjosie, how's this for dancing her way to the top? :)

I'm so glad I found it again. There's simply no other that beats this one, lol

I'm so glad you did too @simplymike!! No matter how I'm feeling, she always makes me smile 😅

I love it. My happy Dance laster a long time and now its a happy face but the top 3 is so good top 5 too 😉

howdy simplymike! super job this week, very impressive!

Thanks. Still nothing compared to whzt you do, though.
I'm very curious how you manage to do what you do. I duspect you either have 4 arms, or a good assistant, lol

haha! oh my gosh that would be so nice to have an assistant! I'd have them do research for my posts instead of me spending 2 or 3 hours on them. No, it's just me, Mrs. J doesn't want anything to do with steemit.

Lol, @janton
Iùagine if she would, and you would together - the results would be over the moon, hahaha

haha! yes is that allowed? surely some people on here have thought about it? it wouldn't really be fair to the rest of us though but I don't know how'd you'd stop it. lol.

Some peope do have shared accounts. I don't think there is a policy against it ;0)

howdy again simplymike..good to hear from you again! well a couple would be unstoppable but no money in it for two people let alone one! lol

If the price of Steem.would go up significantly, there would, I assume :0)