How a Car engine Works? Animated images, a moving visual representation!

in engine •  8 years ago  (edited)

Hello, today I am excited to share something fascinating to me, internal combustion engines! I have been working on bikes and cars since I was just a kid as well as my father and my grandfather. It's just in our blood! Below you will find a sequence of images, a visual representation of how a car engine works. Enjoy

Did you know that your car will take in 20,000 cubic feet of air to burn 20 gallons of fuel? That’s the equivalent of a 2,500 sq. ft. house! If your only experience with a car engine’s inner workings is “How much is that going to cost to fix?” this graphic is for you. Car engines are astoundingly awesome mechanical wonders. It’s time you learned more about the magic under the hood!

These images have been sourced from

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This is so awesome and I cant believe not one person has commented!