in engineering •  7 years ago 




MAT. NO. 14/82114






P.M.B 55, BIDA,







MAT. NO. 14/82114















This is to certify that this project was carried out, thoroughly examined, read and approved as having met the partial requirement of Electrical Engineering Technology of the federal polytechnic, Bida for the award of Higher National Diploma in electrical Engineering (Electronic /telecommunication).

………………………………… …………………………………

MR. Nwafor.C.U Date

Project Supervisor

………………………………… …………………………………

Engr.T. A Alimi Date

Project Coordinator

………………………………… …………………………………

Engr. Dr. Kadiri K. O Date

External Moderator

………………………………… …………………………………

Engr.A.O. AbdulraheemDate Date

Head of Department


Department of Electrical Engineering Technology,

School of Engineering Technology,

The Federal Polytechnic Bida,

P.M.B 55, Bida,

Niger state.



The project co-ordinate,

Department of Electrical Engineering Technology,

The Federal Polytechnic Bida ,

Niger State.

Dear Sir,


I, Emmanuel George OfHND II (Electronics /Telecommunication) of Department of Electrical Engineering Technology, school of Engineering Technology, The Federal polytechnic Bida, hereby submit this project (Design and construction of fire alarm detector using GSM module with microcontroller) for your kindly construction and in partial fulfillment of requirement for the award of Higher National Diploma (HND).

I declare that this project was carried out by me Emmanuel George.

Yours faithfully,

Emmanuel George

Mat. No. 14/82114


This project is dedicated to God almighty for his grace and love upon me and also to my beloved late Mr. Emmanuel Henry, my uncle Mr. Andrew Henry andmy love Florence .D. John for their love, caring encouragement and support from day one of my life up till now , without stopping.


In actualization of my dream, only God has always been my hope and inspiration, my sincere gratitude goes out to him who has spare my life right from day one to this extent of my education. I wish to record my appreciation for the advice, suggestion and encouragement provided through the course of my study and project work by the project supervisor in person of Mr. Nwafor .C. U and Mal.AliyuAlhajiNdakotsu. I also acknowledge the advice effort made by my project co-ordinator Engr. T.A Alimi, and Head of Department Engr. A. O. Abdulraheem.

My profound gratitude goes out to my lovely parents who I so much love, Mr. Emmanuel. T. Henry and Mrs. Grace Emmanuel for their care, love, financial support and prayers throughout my education, may almighty God grant them long life and prosperity.

However, i appreciate my uncle Mr. Sunday Jatau and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew .T. Henry for their support financially and prayers may God grant you your heart desires, long life and prosperity.

I also wish to give thanks to my lovely school friends, Brother Mr. Emmanuel Fine for their care and encouragement during the course of study.


In this project, design and construction of fire alarm with GSM alert using microcontroller, it detects fire or smoke, thanalerting the incidents in household, offices or industrial premises. The aim of this system is designed to alert the distant property-owner efficiently and quickly by sending short message (sms) via gsm network display the room temperature by LCD, and also raise an alarm for people around. A linear integrated temperature sensor detects temperature beyond Preset value whereas semiconductor type sensor detects presence of smoke or gas from fire hazards.The sensor units are connected to common data line to atmega328avr microcontroller. ASim800 gsm kit based network module, capable of operating in standard gsm bands, has beenused to send alert messages. The system is implemented on printed circuit board (PCB) and testedunder different experimental conditions to evaluate its performances. It recommended that government should spend money on this type of project instead of spending on renovation and reconstruction of burnt properties which is a waste.


Title Page i

Approval Page ii

Declaration iii

Dedication iv

Acknowledgement v

Abstract vi

Table of Content vii

List of Figures x

List of Tables xi



1.1 Historical Background 1

1.2 Statement of problem 3

1.3 Motivation 3

1.4 Aim and Objectives 3

1.5 Scope of the project 4

1.6 Project justification 4



2.1 Previous Studies Relevant to the project 6



3.1 Principle Applied in the project 8

3.2 project flow chart 11

3.3 Block Diagram 12

3.4 Schematic Diagram of project 13

3.5 Determination of project values using Schematic Diagram

and preliminaries Assumption 14

3.6 project circuit Diagram 29

3.7 Project Simulation 30

3.8 Project Assembly (Tools and Procedure) 31

3.9 Principle of operation 32

3.11 Maintenance Prescription manual 33



4.1 Testing 34

4.2 Result 34

4.2 Discussion 34



5.1 Conclusion 36

5.2 Limitation 36

5.3 Recommendation 36

        References                                                                                                                    37

          Appendix      A                                                                                                         38

          Appendix      B                                                                                                         45

Appendix C 40

Appendix D 46


Block Diagram 17

Schematic Diagram 13

Schematic diagram power supply 14

Schematic diagram triggering unit 17

Schematic diagram LCD 21

Schematic diagram temperature sensor unit 22

Schematic diagram smoke sensor unit 24

Schematic diagram Gsm module 25

Project circuit diagram 39

Project simulation 30


Maintenance Prescription 33

Bill of Engineering Materials and Evaluation 47




From records, people have learned that early response to fires had positive results in controlling those fires. When someone discovers a fire, the fire brigades and fire departments are alerted by roving watchmen using hand bell-ringers or church sextons ringing church bells or factory steam whistles. Unfortunately these systems did not provide very much detail and often directed the fire department to the wrong location. But with the advent of the telegraph, it has help in preventing fire outbreak.

In the olden days, fire alarms were very low-tech, andMembers of the communityare in charge ofmonitoring their area for fires and would alertpeople by blowing a whistle or ringing a churchbell. Whenever there is fire outbreaks, the members of the community would thenwork together to put out the fire. However, astime went on and communities became larger andlarger, this system became impractical.

When someonedetects a fire, he or she would crank the handle thatwas attached to the fire alarm box, which wouldthen send the details of the fire alarm box numberto a central alarm station. As soon as thetelegrapher at the station received the message,they would notify the fire department responseteam of the box location.However, thisdesign was largely unpopular and received littleattention at first, but late people recognized the importance of this firealarm and it became widely used, especially incities and large towns where fire departmentsneeded to respond to fires quickly and could notsimply rely on the community to be vigilant.The first modern fire alarms were developed in the21st century. These fire alarms work withoutWires and use a range of different types ofmodern technologies such as cellular transmitters,private radio systems and digital communicatorsystems. This modern technology allows the fire.Alarm signal to be transmitted to the nearest firedepartment in a matter of seconds so that a firefighting team can be dispatched. Smoke Detectorsthis device is perhaps one of the most importantinventions of the 20th century.These days,smoke detectors fire are usuallydesigned as plasticenclosures that are made in the shape of a diskand are typically oninch thick and six inches indiameterdesign by (Francis, 2013).

Walter, (2013) accidentally invented the first smoke detector, when he was attempting to design a sensor thatcould identify poison gasunfortunately,smoke detectors tended to be very expensive,which prevented them from being usedcommercially.

Stanley and Duane, (2014) invented the first home smoke detector.This device was cheap enough to be installed inmost homes, although it was not widely used inhomes.Nigeria, like any developing country, is witnessing an era of rapid economic and social development. This development brings with it, new technologies, new materials, power sources and telecommunication equipment which increase the chances of fire outbreak. The sensor-based systems can be very useful to detect a fire and to take decisions to control it. A sensor is able to transform physical or chemical readings gathered from the environment into signals that can be measured by a system. The reports of most of the panel of enquiries on fire accidents in Nigeria, confirmed the fact that electrical fault is a major source of fire accident. Hence, realization that a fire protection system capable of automatically switching off electrical power supply to the affected area in addition to the traditional role of raising an alarm and triggering a sprinkler or other automatic fire fighting system is going to be more efficient than the existing systems which leaves those important role unaddressed.


According to reach there are approximately 278 million deaf of hearing impaired people worldwide. The statement problem of this project is to provide solution to some of the previous work done in which microcontroller were use without GSM and LCD incorporate with an alarm and also send a text message to the owner in case of fire outbreak.


Due to the outbreak of fire that damage properties and life, there is need to locally design and construct of fire detector using GSM module, which can be building conveniently,offices, home also in industries which will be able to send text messages to the owner of the installed in premises. Furthermore there is need to contribute to the economic growth of the nation and reduce the fire outbreak, while avoiding loss of properties. Lastly to putinto practice the knowledge acquired in my field of studies.


The aim of this project is to design and construct a fire alarm detector with GSM alert using microcontroller.

The aim and objective are as follows.

  1.              To construct a safety fire detector so as to reduce fire destruction of life and properties.
  2.              To use rechargeable battery (DC) as source of power supply when there is no alternative power supply (AC).
  3.              To practically show the training and knowledge acquired so far in the field of electrical engineering for the service of humanity.
  4.              To serve as wealth creation means.
  5.              For partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Higher National Diploma (HND).


This device detects smoke, fireand can detect a rise in temperature in its vicinity, the approximately range of the sensor is 2 meters. The fire sensor module consists of IR sensor, comparator and LED. It has three pins gnd, vcc and out. Whenever fire is detected by IR sensor LED glows, and out pin is set high. The out pin can be given as input to the microcontroller and can be used for any fire detection applications. Whenever the LED is ON it indicates that fire is detected.The power supply unit consist of 240V/9V, two rechargeable battery (lithium-ion) each battery is 3.9V connected in series making 7.8V/5v,the circuit is power by 3-5v which is the mains. A single SIM mobile phone , 7809IC and 7805 IC voltage regulator, 2N2222A transistor, LCD 16x2 to display, resistor, capacitor etc, where connected to each other on the PCB forming a well design circuit.


The advantage of fire alarm with GSM alert has save many life and properties and has also contributed to the economic growth of the nation and reduces fire outbreak, while avoiding lost of life and properties. These sensors usually employ an audible alarm to alert people when dangerous fire is detected.



Chengqiang, (2010) Presented paper that show how a network environment integrating wire and wireless communication is built, and the fire control database with a five-layer (Data source layer Persistence layer, Domain layer Controller/Mediator layer, Presentation layer) structure is established, which is critical to resolve the cooperative control problem in the quick-response fire control.

Muller, (20011) the authors designed a system which presents aMSbFD (Multi Sensor based Fire Detection) Algorithm using two fire parameters (temperature and optical smoke density). These two sensors were chosen since ionization systems may become increasingly difficult to apply because of the environmental regulations being imposed on them. The evaluation and processing of the sensor signals is carried out by the use of Fuzzy Logic.

Gang, (2013) the authors clarified that a Wireless Multi-Sensor Fire Detection. The system uses nRF2401 for short-range wireless communications, GPRS for long-distance wireless communications, ARM9 for center console, Wireless Multi-sensor Fire Detector for node, and BP algorithm is used for judging the probability of fire. Wireless Multi-sensor Fire Detector is formed of the low-power electrochemical carbon monoxide sensor, photoelectric smoke detector and semiconductor temperature sensor.

InLuo, (2012) the authors designed a security robot which is constructed using an aluminum frame, the main controller of the security robot is an industrial standard PC (IPC) with a Pentium-III 933 CPU and 256 MB RAM. The hardware devices consist of a touch screen, charge-coupled device (CCD) camera, sensors and sensory circuits, driver system, etc The sensory system consists of seven subsystems, There are the fire-detection subsystem, intruder-detection subsystem, power-detection subsystem, environment-detection subsystem, motor-control subsystem and obstacle-detection sub systemA cooperative quick-response fire controlsystem orienting multiple targets is researched, its system structure is set up and cooperative targets mechanism is analyzed.

Sonchi, (2010) the researchers illustrate that that Mobile technologies, including the global system for mobile communication (GSM) and the ZigBee short-range wireless data connection technology could be used to monitor and detect fires.In this paper, the use of short messages (SMS) as one of the GSM technologies in a smart system were studied and investigated which can be used to monitor and control of a fire alarm.


Some similar studies and research the work as related to this project will be reviewed in this chapter and to ensure that other people work was not repeated.

Nur , (2012) at Columba University constructed a fire alarm that consist of three sensor infrared smoke sensor, thermostat heat sensor and infrared sensor. The infrared smoke sensor is designed to identify a fire while in it smoldering or early flame stage, replicating the human sense of smell.

Limitation: No gsm alert and no LCD dispay of temperature.

George, (2014) Lagos State Universityconstruted SMS base fire alarm detection system using smoke and temperature sensor. This project was designed to detect fire. The fire system sends SMS to use when the sensor crosses the threshold value.

Limitation: When there is no network there will be an SMS send to the user and no LCD display.

Chew, (2011) proposed an alarm system that is specially designed for industrial use. The basic operation of the alarm system consist of heat detector , smoke detector and burglar detector when the heat or smoke was detector , automatically, the pic receive the signal from the sensor and the pic operator the buzzer.

Limitation: it has no GSM modem and no LCD display

Babatude, (2011) at Federal polytechnic Bida Designed and constructed a smoke detector alarm using photo-resistor, capacitor, diode, op-amp, relay and integrated circuit.

Limitation: The problem encountered is that of the resistance of photo resistance to every situation, a think smoke is needed.

kooi, (2012) at Wheat Stone Yale Collage, New York constructed alarm system designed using two types of sensors. The photo-electronic sensor and the inductive proximity switches.

Limitation: The photo-electronic sensor is activated when the receiver cannot receive the light from the transmitter.




The principle applied in the project are

The first law of thermodynamics, alsoknown as Law of Conservation ofEnergy, states that energy can neither becreated nor be destroyed energy can onlybe transferred or changed from one formto another. For example, turning on alight would seem to produce energy;however, it is electrical energy that isconverted.A way of expressing the first law ofthermodynamics is that any change inthe internal energy (∆E) of a system isgiven by the sum of the heat (q) thatflows across its boundaries and the work(w) done on the system by thesurroundings:


∆u═ q + w………………………………………………………………………………3.1

∆u Is the total change in internal energy of a system .

q Is the heat exchanged between a system and its surrounding

wIs the work done by or on the system

Ohm's law states that the electrical current (I)flowing in an circuit is proportional to the voltage(V ) and inversely proportional to the resistance(R). Therefore, if the voltage is increased, thecurrent will increase provided the resistance ofthe circuit does not change. Similarly, increasingthe resistance of the circuit will lower the currentflow if the voltage is not changed. The formulacan be reorganized so that the relationship caneasily be seen for all of the three variables.Which shown below.

Mathematically V α I

V=I R………………………………………………………………………………..3.2


I = Electrical Current, (Amperes)

V = Voltage (Voltage)

R = Resistance (Ohms)

BOYLE’S LAWstates that the volume of a givenmass of a gas is inversely proportional to thePressure at constant temperature.What the law is simply saying is that at constanttemperature, doubly the pressure of a given massof gas, the volume is decreased by half.

I.e. V α 1/P;

V = k/P……………………………………………………………………………….3.3

PV = k (the product of P and V is a constant).

Lf V 1 is the original or initial volume of the gas atpressure P1, and V 2 the volume at a final

PressureP2, then

Note: Boyle’s law is not obeyed at lowtemperatures and high pressures (experimentshow that PV Product is not constant at theseconditions).



Obtain projection

Conceptualize project

Determine size of charges and current capacity of charger

Design project according to specification

Is project okay

Get project materials

Construct project

Is project okay

Document project


Figure 3.1 Project flow chart


The Designed and construction of fire alarm using GSM Alert with microcontroller consist of eightunits:The power supply, unitFire sensor unit, Trigger unit (microcontroller328), GSM moduel(SIM800L), Temperature sensor ,Smoke sensor, LCD 16x2,BUZZER

Figure 3.2 shows the block diagram below









LCD 16x2

Figure 3.2 Block Diagram


The schematic diagram of the projects shown in figure 3.3 below

Figure 3.3 schematic diagram of project



This shows schematic diagram of power supply below

Figure: 3.4 schematic diagram of power supply

The power supply unit was designed to supply 220v from Ac supply them a step down transformer is use to step down to 9v,it is then rectifier to Dc to 5v through voltage rectifier.

The power supply unit comprise of the following:

1 A step down transformer

2 A bridge rectifier

3 A filtering capacitor

4 Voltage regulator

5 Battery source

Output voltage transformer =9v

To convert to DC =√2xVac

= =18VDC

Ripple factor y=1dc/4 3Fcvp


Relay consumption current =30mAx 3=90mA

Ic (unl7805)construction current = =0.11A

Assumption ripple factor to be 10%



C= =1000uf

LED manual acurer specification is

Led current =10mA

Led voltage =2.2v


R1= = = =3.1Ω


R2= = = =3.18kΩ

The Ic are voltage regulator which uses as input to give a constant of 5v, the Ic is also use to regulate the sufficient current to charge the battery.


The fire sensor consist of IR LED and a Photodiode, this pair is generally called IR pair or Photo coupler. IR sensor work on the principal in which IR LED emits IR radiation and Photodiode sense that IR radiation. Photodiode resistance changes according to the amount of IR radiation falling on it, hence the voltage drop across it also changes and by using the voltage comparator (LM358) to sense the voltage change and generate the output accordingly.And in Indirect Incidence, both the IR LED and Photo diode are placed in parallel (side by side), facing both in same direction. In that fashion, when an object is kept in front of IR pair, the IR light gets reflected by the object and gets absorbed by photodiode. However,the object shouldn’t be black as it will absorb all the IR light, instead of reflect.


The schematic diagram of the trigger unit is shown in figure 3.5 bellow

Figure 3.5 schematic diagram of the trigger unit

Atmega328 is a very popularmicrocontroller chip produced by Atmel. Itis an 8-bit microcontroller that has 32K offlash memory, 1K of EEPROM, and 2K ofinternal SRAM.The Atmega328 is one of themicrocontroller chips that are used with thepopular ArduinoDuemilanove boards. TheArduinoDuemilanove board comes witheither 1 of 2 microcontroller chips, theAtmega168 or the Atmega328. Of these 2,the Atmega328 is the upgraded, moreadvanced chip. Unlike the Atmega168which has 16K of flash program memoryand 512 bytes of internal SRAM, theAtmega328 has 32K of flash programmemory and 2K of Internal SRAM.The Atmega328 has 28 pins.It has 14 digital I/O pins, of which 6 can beused as PWM outputs and 6 analog inputpins. These I/O pins account for 20 of thepins. The pinout for the Atmega328 is shownbelow.

The table below gives a description foreach of the pins, along with their function.

PinNumber Description Function

1 PC6 Reset

2 PD0 Digital Pin (RX)

3 PD1 Digital Pin (TX)

4 PD2 Digital Pin

5 PD3 Digital Pin (PWM)

6 PD4 Digital Pin

7 Vcc Positive Voltage (Power)

8 GND Ground

9 XTAL 1 Crystal Oscillator

10 XTAL 2 Crystal Oscillator

11 PD5 Digital Pin (PWM)

12 PD6 Digital Pin (PWM)

13 PD7 Digital Pin

14 PB0 Digital Pin

15 PB1 Digital Pin (PWM)

16 PB2 Digital Pin (PWM)

17 PB3 Digital Pin (PWM)

18 PB4 Digital Pin

19 PB5 Digital Pin

20 AVCC Positive voltage for ADC(power)

21 AREF Reference Voltage

22 GND Ground

23 PC0 Analog Input

24 PC1 Analog Input

25 PC2 Analog Input

26 PC3 Analog Input

27 PC4 Analog Input

28 PC5 Analog Input

As stated before, 20 of the pins function asI/O ports. This means they can function asan input to the circuit or as output. Whetherthey are input or output is set in thesoftware. 14 of the pins are digital pins, ofwhich 6 can function to give PWM output. 6of the pins are for analog input/output.2 of the pins are for the crystal oscillator.This is to provide a clock pulse for theAtmega chip. A clock pulse is needed forsynchronization so that communicationcan occur in synchrony between theAtmega chip and a device that it isconnected to.The chip needs power so 2 of the pins, Vccand GND, provide it power so that it canoperate. The Atmega328 is a low-powerchip, so it only needs between 1.8-5.5V ofpower to operate.The Atmega328 chip has an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) inside of it. Thismust be or else the Atmega328 wouldn't becapable of interpreting analog signals.Because there is an ADC, the chip caninterpret analog input, which is why thechip has 6 pins for analog input. The ADChas 3 pins set aside for it to function-AVCC , A REF, and GND. AV CC is the powersupply, positive voltage, that for the ADC.The ADC needs its own power supply inorder to work. GND is the power supplyground. AREF is the reference voltage thatthe ADC uses to convert an analog signalto its corresponding digital value. Analogvoltages higher than the reference voltagewill be assigned to a digital value of 1,while analog voltages below the referencevoltage will be assigned the digital value of0. Since the ADC for the Atmega328 is a10-bit ADC, meaning it produces a 10-bitdigital value, it converts an analog signalto its digital value, with the AREF valuebeing a reference for which digital valuesare high or low. Thus, a portrait of ananalog signal is shown by this digitalvalue; thus, it is its digital correspondentvalue.The last pin is the RESET pin. This allows aprogram to be rerun and start over.And this sums up the pinout of anAtmega328 chip.


Figure 3.5 Schematic diagram LCD shown bellow

Figure 3.6 LCD

LCD(Liquid Crystal Display) screen is anelectronic display module and find a widerange of applications. A 16x2 LCD displayis very basic module and is very commonlyused in various devices and circuits. Thesemodules are preferred over seven segmentsand other multi segment LEDs. Thereasons being: LCDs are economical; easilyprogrammable; have no limitation ofdisplaying special & even customcharacters (unlike in seven segments),animations and so on.A 16x2 LCD means it can display 16characters per line and there are 2 suchlines. In this LCD each character isdisplayed in 5x7 pixel matrix. This LCD hastwo registers, namely, Command and Data.The command register stores the commandinstructions given to the LCD. A commandis an instruction given to LCD to do apredefined task like initializing it, clearingits screen, setting the cursor position,controlling display etc. The data registerstores the data to be displayed on theLCD. The data is the ASCII value of thecharacter to be displayed on the LCD.


Figure 3.7 Schematic diagram LCD shown bellow

Figure 3.7 Schematic diagram temperature sensor unit

The circuit diagram is shown above. Briefly,there are two transistors in the center. One has ten times the emitter area ofthe other. This means it has one tenth of thecurrent density, since the same current is goingthrough both transistors. This causes a voltageacross the resistor R 1 that is proportional to theabsolute temperature, and is almost linearacross the range we care about. The almost part is taken care of by a special circuit thatstraightens out the slightly curved graph ofvoltage versus temperature.The amplifier at the top ensures that the voltageat the base of the left transistor (Q 1) isproportional to absolute temperature bycomparing the output of the two transistors.The amplifier at the right converts absolutetemperature (measured in Kelvin ) into eitherFahrenheit or Celsius, depending on the part( LM34 or LM 35) . The little circle with the in itis a constant current source circuit.The two resistors are calibrated in the factory toproduce a highly accurate temperature sensor.The integrated circuit has many transistors in it- two in the middle, some in each amplifier some in the constant current source, and some inthe curvature compensation circuit. All of this isfit into the tiny package with three leads.

Temperature Sensorsfind analog and digital temperature sensorsthat sense and measure temperature withprecise accuracy and reliability. Analog Devicesdigital temperature sensors achieve up to±0.25°C accuracy over a wide temperaturerange, are NIST traceable, and are plug-inready, requiring no additional signalconditioning or calibration. The LM35 series are precision integrated-circuit temperature devices with an output voltage linearly proportional to the Centigradetemperature.TheLM35 device has an advantage over linear temperature sensors calibrated in Kelvin, as the user is not required to subtract a large constant voltage from the output to obtain convenient Centigrade scaling. The LM35 device does not require any external calibration or trimming to provide typical accuracies of ±¼°C at room temperature and ±¾°C over a full −55°C to 150°C temperature range. Lower cost is assured by trimming and calibration at the wafer level. The low-output impedance, linear output, and precise inherent calibration of the LM35 device makes interfacing to readout or control circuitry especially easy. The device is used with single power supplies, or with plus and minus supplies. As the LM35 device draws only 60 μA from the supply, it has very low self-heating of less than 0.1°C in still air. The LM35 device is rated to operate over a −55°C to 150°C


Figure 3.8 Schematic diagram smoke sensor unit is shown bellow

Figure 3.8 Schematic diagram smoke sensor unit

Smoke sensor we will use is the MQ-2.This is a sensor that is not only sensitiveto smoke, but also to flammable gas.The MQ-2 smoke sensor reports smoke bythe voltage level that it outputs. The moresmoke, the greater the voltage thatis it the outputs. Conversely, the less smoke thatit is exposed to, the less voltage it outputs.The MQ-2 also has a built-inpotentiometer to adjust the sensitivity tosmoke. By adjusting the potentiometer, youcan change how sensitive it is to smoke,so it's a form ofcalibrating it to adjust howmuch voltage it will put out in relation to the smoke it is exposed to. We will wire the MQ-2 to an arduino so thatthe arduino can read the amount of voltageoutput by the sensor and sound a buzzer ifthe sensor outputs a voltage above acertain threshold. This way, we will knowthat the sensor is detecting smoke and wewill sound a buzzer alerting a person suchas a homeowner.


Figure 3.9 Schematic diagram smoke sensor unit is shown bellow

The schematic diagram of GSM module figure 3.9

This board is specially designed for project in asmall box and powered by 3.7V. It use Arduino shield, which isControlled by AT Command (3GPP TS 27.007,27.005 and SIMCOM enhanced AT Commands)Supports Real Time ClockSupply voltage range 3.4V - 4.4VSupports A-GPSSupports 3.0V to 5.0V logic levelLow power consumption, 1mA in sleep modeCompact size 23mm x 35mm x 5.6mmStandard SIM CardPower Button - this is the hard power switch forthe module. When the module is connected to thesupply, you can power on or power off it bypressing the button for 2s.Net Indicator - Red LED, it will tell whatstatus is about the module linking to network. Itcan be turned off by LEDs_EN jumper pad.Status Indicator - Green LED, it will tell whetherthe module is on, light when the module isrunning. It can be turned off by ENLEDs jumperpad.GSM Antenna this is an uFL GSM antennaconnector, just connect it to a GSM antenna forreceiving GSM signal.SIM Card Holder SIM card holder for standardSIM cardEN_LEDs this is the switch for Net and Statusindicator. It is by default connected, if you wantto save power and disable these LEDs, you cancut off the connection with a knife. Pin DefinitionsPWR this is soft power switch for the module,you can pull it to high level for at least 2s topower up or power down the module.RI this pin will tell you whether the module is onand is there any calls and messages received. Itwill be pulled to high level when the module is on.And it will change to low for 120ms when a callor message is received.RXD / TXD Serial port, the module uses it tosend and receive commands and data. TXD isoutput, and RXD is input. They can be connectedto the 3.3V and 5V level.This the reference logic level for serialport of the module, the input voltage depends onthe logical level of the microcontroller you use. This use a 5V miccontroller like Arduino, and a 3V logicmicrocontroller which is set to 3V.The main power supply for themodule, of input voltage from 3.4V to 4.4V. Without voltageregulator and smoothing circuit, please do notdirectly connect it to Arduino 5V.DTR - this is wake up pin for module in sleepmode. By default it has a high pull-up, and youcan set the module into sleep mode by ATcommand “AT+CSCLK=1”. In the meantime, theserial port will be disabled.


CAUTION: SIM800 module itself usesinput voltage of 3.7V – 4.2V. Therefore,if you directly connect the Vcc pin toArduino 5V pin, it might damage the module as well. I tried 3.3V Arduino pinwith no luck. Therefore if you have theSIM800 module itself, you will have toget the input voltage in range, maybewith a voltmeter(and few calculationswith a LM317 calculator).Fortunately I am used below modulewith voltage regulators built in.SIM800 5v/4v Adriano 5vSIM800 GND (either one) ArduinoGNDSIM800 SIM_TXD Arduino D8(read through for the reason)SIM800 SIM_RXD Arduino D7(read through for the reason)Connect module with Arduino asmentioned above or with any changes depending on the module being used.Insert a valid SIM card and connect theArduino with Arduino IDE.Simple Serial CommunicationBelow is the simplest program usable tointeract with SIM800 :Upload above code to the Arduino(Code itself is self explanatory Hence, will not repeat same). Once upload iscomplete start the Arduino SerialMonitor from Tools menu. Set Baud rateto 9600 and in drop down left to boudrate selection set “Both NL and CR”.Once done, you can freely send ATcommands to SIM800 and see theoutput in real time.

AT – is to check if interface is working fine.

AT+CFUN – is used to set phonefunctionality

AT+CFUN? – returns currently set value


AT+CFUN=? – returns all possiblevalues that can be set for AT+CFUN(similar to help)

AT+CFUN=1 – is to sent AT+CFUN to 1(full functionality)

AT+CREG? – to get network registrationinformation. stat=1 means you areregistered with home network

AT+COPS? – returns currently registeredoperator details

AT+COPS=? – returns all the operatorsavailableSending SMS with SoftwareSerialIn below code delay of 1 second is usedafter each command to give necessarytime for SIM800 to respond to eachcommand. With this approach it is notpossible to clearly identify any ERRORconditions because program will notready the responses sent. Propermethod of doing this is by checkingeach response against an expectedvalue. This is already handled in mostof the Arduino libraries including“Seeeduino” library we’ll be using below.Hence, for this stage, 1 second delay isused for the sake of simplicity.

Note : Replace 09071084009 with mobilenumber SMS should be sent to.SIM800 LibrariesWith a quick Google search you will beable to find several SIM800 Arduinolibraries. After going through sourcecodes of several libraries my selectionwas “Seeeduino_GPRS” library whichprovides basic SIM800 features as wellas additional set of GPRS relatedfeatures.Sending SMS with SeeeduinoArduino library

Note: Seeeduino library assumes thatTX connected to D8 and RX isconnected to D7 on Arduino. This is thereason we used relevant pins at firstplace. If you need to connect SIM800with any other Arduino pin, you will haveto modify the library source (gprs.h)and add a new constructor. Library usesMIT license.


The schematic diagram of the project with values shown in figure 3.10 below.

Figure 3.10 project circuit diagram with values


Result from embarked proposed design was verified using protus simulator. Various module of the project are constructed with the tools available in the simulator. When tested with oscilloscope it display the input and output wave form for the power supply as well and the sensor unit.

The process of simulation is shown in the figure3.11 below

Figure 3.11 project simulation


In order to ensure working ability and operation of the project, various segment involve in the construction

The rectangle bread board all component are mounted on it e.g. resistor capacitor voltage regulator werethey are fixed and solder in the board. Four diode were used to form the bridge rectification, which is soldered on the matrix board. The output side of the bridge rectification passed to the capacitor side to filter the output of the D.C voltage. Another voltage is supplied to the regulate (LM7809 and LM7805) to regulate the output voltage. Althis component aresoldered on the matrix board.The construction was carried out by assembling various selected tools for the project with the help of basic tools as:

  1.              Hammer
  2.              Saw
  3.              File
  4.              Measuring tape
  5.              Hand drills
  6.              Screw  Driver
  7.              Pliers
  8.              Soldering iron
  9.              Sucker
  10.          Digital multi-meter
  11.          Set of spanner

The procedure involve in the assembly of the project includes the following:


T1 is a step down transformer, which step down the main voltage from 220V-9V,through bridge rectifier which enable conversion from A.C voltage to D.C voltage, then LM7809 is use to regulate the voltage to charge the li-on battery which are connected in series each volt is 3.9V making total of 7.8V and LM7805 regulator provide a constant D.C supply to power the circuit C1 remove the A.C ripple at the output of the bridge rectifier. R1 is used as a current limiter flowing through IC1are voltage regulator which is use as input to give a constant 9v are used to combine power of IC 1 give sufficient current to charge the batteries. It consist transistors. The base of the transistors trigger current of each dart transistor in order to give 0.8mhz.R, is use to set the voltage which will turn on. When battery voltage rise up to 7.8vthe current along pin 1 of the Icwill be sufficient to turn on the dart transistor at pin 1. when is done R1 will turn on, is it used to set voltage at which the battery was start charging c1 is use to remove the ripples. C2 help to improve the performance of IC regulator, R is use to limit current entering Q1. Then When the signal is amplify, IC2 regulate the voltage to 5v reset the signal and make pin17 to go high (+), thereby triggering the circuit when this is done current flow through switching parts to the alarm.

3.11 Maintenance prescription Manual

The table 3.1 below shows the faults, and the possible causes and corresponding remedy to the fault of the system

Possible fault symptoms, causes and remedies of fire alarm are tabulated below

Table 3.1 maintenance prescription manual


  1. The LED are dim Low voltage High voltage

  2. LED 2 does not indicate LED 2 does not indicate Charge battery

  3. LED 3 does not indicate LED is full Replace LED

  4. LED 4 switched off after Faulty battery or dead battery Replace battery

some time



This chapter tells how the work was tested, the result and discussion about theproject work

1.1 Testing

Hardware and Software parting used were separated in unit while developing the entire system. Testing smaller section of the system made it more manageable and increase efficiency by the decreasing, debugging time. The testing was tested unit by unit in order to obtain good result. The power supply was first tested to ensure it could supply require power to the circuit.

The fire sensing unit was also tested and it was capable of delivering an output signal whereby there is a fire outbreak at it input. The triggerunit were also tested ensure that the reset signal and make pin 17 to the positive, thereby triggering the unit to allow current flow through the switching port. The charging unit was tested to ensure that the regulator regulate the fluctuation voltage and give a constant voltage.

1.2 Result

At the end of the design and construction of fire alarm using GSM with microcontroller,test were carried out and after the whole system unit have been coupled. The fire detect was tested as a functional unit and was found to be working and display the temperature on the screen of the LCD

1.3 Discussion of the result

The result obtained from the test carried out shows thatthe system is capable of text the massage to a number and also sound an alarm whenever there is fire outbreak in a building and sent an alarm to the owner of the house through GSM module the transistor will then amplified the signal send the signal to IC, then thye IC reset the signal and make pin 17 to the high (+) thereby triggering the system which the current flow through the switch port to sound the alarm the send a text message to the owner through the GSM module.



5.1 Conclusion

After careful design and construction of the project work, it was tested and proves to be successful. Lot problems encounter during the construction which include the unavailability of the exact value of component’s value in the market, despites all this constraints the aim and objectives was achieved.

5.2 Limitation(s)

This project was motivated to ensure optimum performance yet has some limitations which are peculiar to project design and construction. These are as follows:

· Time (i.e gathering the information is going to the internet and any other means). Due to the design and construction, when there is no network it will not send text massage. This project detect fire only 2meter

5.3 Recommendations

From the past experience on fire outbreak as a result of this I discover that it is better for government to spend money on this type of project instead of spending on renovation and reconstruction of burnt properties which is a waste, it is therefore recommended that every house or office should equipped with fire alarm to sense any occurrence of fire outbreak and draw attention as early as possible.

Finally, I recommended that more books should be made available for student in the library for consultation, to enable them make research properly on their project work.


Ahmed &Ruma, (2012) "More than 100 die in garment factory fire, the deadliest in Bangladesh's history". The Christian Science Monitor. Archived from the original on 15 November 2012.Retrived 3 may 2013

Asif, O. (2014) Fire-Detectors Review and Design of an Automated, Quick Responsive Fire-Alarm System Based on SMS.

Grant, (2012) smoke detector and Alarm system.Retrieved from http://www.eletronicsstructuctibes.

George, (2014) Lagos State University construted SMS base fire alarm detection system using smoke and temperature sensor.

Mansoor, (2012). "Karachi inferno toll hits 298". The News International. Retrieved 3 may 2013.

Chenebert, A., Breckon T. P and Gaszczak “A Non-Temporal Texture Driven Approach To Real-Time Fire Detection” School of Engineering, Cranfield University, UK.LancashireFire (

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Bukosk, E. (2012). Implementation of Detector false Alarm . Retrieved from http://www. tip/ dealer tip.html.

Chew,A.(2011) Design and construction of smoke detector, retrieved Https:// -review.

Babatude, B. (2013). Design and construction of smoke Detector Alarm Un-publish .Available at The federal poly Bida , Niger state.

Nur.T.(2011), fire prevention system. Retrieved from http//www.fm200-biz/fire

Ashis, S. &Ratsh, P. (2013).Gsm Based smoke Detection system. International Journal of Technical Reach and application (IJTRA).

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Bukosk, E (2012). Implementation of Detector false Alarm.Retrieved from tip/ dealer tip.html.

Chew,A.(2011) .Design and construction of smoke detector, retrieved Https:// -review.

Babatude, B. (2013). Design and construction of smoke Detector Alarm Un-publish AvailableatThe federal poly Bida , Niger state


Pictorial of the component shown below


Pictorial of the complete project shown below



#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

#include <OneWire.h>

#include <LiquidCrystal.h>

LiquidCrystallcd(11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6);

OneWire ds(5); // on pin 10 (a 4.7K resistor is necessary)

constintFireSensor = A0;

constintGasFireSensor = A1;

intBuzer = 12;

void setup() {


lcd.begin(16, 2);

pinMode(GasFireSensor, INPUT);

pinMode(FireSensor, INPUT);

pinMode(Buzer, OUTPUT);

lcd.setCursor(0, 0);


lcd.setCursor(0, 1);

lcd.print("- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -");


for (intpositionCounter = 0; positionCounter< 23; positionCounter++)






lcd.setCursor(0, 0);

lcd.print("FIRE ALARM SYSTEM");



lcd.setCursor(0, 0);

lcd.print(" BY ");



lcd.setCursor(0, 0);

lcd.print("EMMANUEL GEORGE");

lcd.setCursor(0, 1);

lcd.print("MAT NO:14/82114");



lcd.setCursor(0, 0);





void loop() {

byte i;

byte present = 0;


byte data[12];


floatcelsius, fahrenheit;

if ( ! {

Serial.println("No more addresses.");






Serial.print("ROM =");

for ( i = 0; i < 8; i++) {

Serial.write(' ');

Serial.print(addr[i], HEX);


if (OneWire::crc8(addr, 7) != addr[7]) {

Serial.println("CRC is not valid!");




// the first ROM byte indicates which chip

switch (addr[0]) {

case 0x10:

Serial.println(" Chip = DS18S20"); // or old DS1820

type_s = 1;

break; case 0x28:

Serial.println(" Chip = DS18B20");

type_s = 0;


case 0x22:

Serial.println(" Chip = DS1822");

type_s = 0;



Serial.println("Device is not a DS18x20 family device.");




ds.write(0x44, 1); // start conversion, with parasite power on at the end

delay(1000); // maybe 750ms is enough, maybe not

// we might do a ds.depower() here, but the reset will take care of it.

present = ds.reset();;

ds.write(0xBE); // Read Scratchpad

Serial.print(" Data = ");

Serial.print(present, HEX);

Serial.print(" ");

for ( i = 0; i < 9; i++) { // we need 9 bytes

data[i] =;

Serial.print(data[i], HEX);

Serial.print(" ");


Serial.print(" CRC=");

Serial.print(OneWire::crc8(data, 8), HEX);


// Convert the data to actual temperature

// because the result is a 16 bit signed integer, it should

// be stored to an "int16_t" type, which is always 16 bits

// even when compiled on a 32 bit processor.

int16_t raw = (data[1] << 8) | data[0];

if (type_s) {

raw = raw << 3; // 9 bit resolution default

if (data[7] == 0x10) {

 // "count remain" gives full 12 bit resolution

raw = (raw & 0xFFF0) + 12 - data[6];


} else {

bytecfg = (data[4] & 0x60);

// at lower res, the low bits are undefined, so let's zero them

if (cfg == 0x00) raw = raw & ~7; // 9 bit resolution, 93.75 ms

else if (cfg == 0x20) raw = raw & ~3; // 10 bit res, 187.5 ms

else if (cfg == 0x40) raw = raw & ~1; // 11 bit res, 375 ms

//// default is 12 bit resolution, 750 ms conversion time


celsius = (float)raw / 16.0;

fahrenheit = celsius * 1.8 + 32.0;

lcd.setCursor(0, 0);

lcd.print("ROOM TEMP: ");

lcd.setCursor(10, 0);




intGasReading = analogRead(FireSensor);

intGasLevel = GasReading * 0.098;

// intledLevel = map (GasReading, 0, 1023, 0, ledCount);

lcd.setCursor(0, 1);

lcd.print("GAS LEVEL:2.0%OK");

lcd.setCursor(10, 1);



if (digitalRead(FireSensor) == LOW)


// Print a message to the LCD.

lcd.setCursor(0, 0);

lcd.print(" fire in your house ");

lcd.setCursor(0, 1);

lcd.print("SENDING SMS.....");

digitalWrite(Buzer, HIGH);





else {

digitalWrite(Buzer, LOW);





Serial.println("AT+CMGD=1"); //Delete privious sent SMS


Serial.println("AT+CMGF=1"); //Set SMS configuration


Serial.print("AT+CMGW="); //Write New SMS


Serial.print("+2349071084009"); //Enter Your Mobile number


Serial.println(); //Send Crrige return


Serial.println("Alert From Your Fire Security System, Fire detected Please Take Action");


Serial.write(26); //Cntr



The table below shows the description of materials used, quantity, unit and total price

Table 4.2: Bill of Engineering Measurements and Evaluation


  1.         TRANSFORMER                                                    1                        2,500                          2,500
  2.         FIRE SENSOR                                                         1                        4,000                          4,000
  3.         GSM MODULE                                                               1                        10,000                        10,000
  4.         TEMPERATURE SENSOR                                      1                        2,500                          2,500
  5.          SMOKE SENSOR                                                   1                         2,500                         2,500
  6.          ATMEGA328(MICROCONTROLLER)                  1                         5,000                        5,000
  7.          CAPACITOR                                                          5                         150                            750
  8.          RESISTOR                                                              10                      50                               500
  9.          LED                                                                         2                        50                               100
  10.         DIODE                                                                  14                        50                              700
  11.        IC                                                                            2                         1,000                         2,000
  12.        TRANSISTOR                                                       2                         150                             300
  13.        BUZZER                                                                1                        500                              500
  14.        CASING                                                                 1                        3,500                           3,500
  15.        SOLDERING LEAD                                              1                        800                              800
  16.        VERO BOARD                                                      2sheet                700                             1,400
  17.       SIM CARD                                                              2                         200                           200
  18.       BATTERY                                                              2                       1,000                           2,000
  19.       CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR                                      2                        500                             1,000


             TOTAL                                                                                                                              48,250
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This is impressive.... You did a good job there. Keep doing great things bro