"The Ithaca Festival has always considered that another world is possible. Continuing with its philosophy in defense of quality and accessible access to culture"
Hello dear friends of Steemit, we wish you are enjoying harmony in your activities!
Being, part of the preparations for the activities of the first concert on Saturday, June 2, at the Ithaca 2018 festival, from Gualta in the province of Gerona, Catalonia; We thank first "SIBARITA" collaborating company, who in turn has given us the opportunity to witness this important festivity; We punctually from the bar and bar we support the part of drinks and cocktails.
It turns out that at some point we had a space for relaxation, and we observed the whole plaza and everything related to the preparation of the scenarios in free air; We saw a curious character, who did not raise his head at all. We approached to greet and learn about his presence, and to our surprise we met Joan; nicknamed amiably: turtle hands, as he considers his work or contribution to the festival.
It turns out that our new friend Joan is an artist in woodcut. Initially when he met him he was in the engraving stage in the wood, hence the nickname "turtle hands", because when using the chisels to engrave the images previously drawn by hand, one must have a plastic surgeon's pulse, because any deconcentration or sudden jump can spoil the embossment that would spoil the image
Joan was creating and at the same time telling us that this technique or first stage is also known as artistic therapy or art therapy that is used for the creation of images as a tool of expression. Through the process the mind is able to turn away from other thoughts or as one might also say to concentrate on a single task; due to the complexity of the chisel blows, which must be smooth and tailored, to get the exact slice of the wood, in each suction.
We were also amazed to see his work table, which is foldable; which means that it is portable and easy to move. He shared that he was creating some images of the artists who would present themselves at the concert today, and since everyone has their fans, he wanted to stamp their faces for the memory, because then people would ask the artists for an autograph; Well, there are still people who like to keep these details; they usually remain in the form of a caricature, which both parts like.
So for those of us who did not know, what is this topic about? Xylography is a technique of relief printing made on a wooden matrix. The fundamental difference with the linoleum is that the vein of it is appreciated when being stamped, enhancing the beauty of the image. There are different types of wood, the most convenient are the hardwoods such as boxwood, cherry, pear, etc., whose tacos are assembled to obtain plates of relatively large format.
The tools that must be used are still the chisels, the gouges in U and V and the chisels, to which can be added, with greater security than in the linoleum, other instruments of cut and texture such as serrated knives, metal brushes, forks, micro drills, pyro recorders, et cetera. You can also use mordants that highlight the vein, such as caustic soda (be careful in its application). Very smiling turtle hands, he shared what I reported here.
This is an academic discipline; I learned it at school; these techniques began in the United States, towards the 1940s; the first experiences start at the end of the XIXth century thanks to the discovery of the unconscious and the rupture of art with figuration. This generated the interest of some psychiatrists for the artistic productions of the patients who were interested in the subject; and thus his rehabilitation was more bearable. We leave you, friend turtle hands, duty claims us.
In the afternoon, people did not fit in the square and Joan could not deliver enough to deliver; respectively, it is still welcome and people like this art.
Congratulations to the artist, who goes from festival to festival, and as artists change everywhere, he must draw them and then stamp them. This last process is very similar to the types of printers, which still preserve the basic principles of the logo, and serial copies. We are glad to know that there are still spaces and participation for these artists.
We thank for those who have accompanied us in this magical meeting of the Ithaca Festival 2018 and the first concert in town of Gualta in the Catalan Empurda, we left but
Soon we will show you parts of the concert, its news full of surprises. ¡Receive our cordial virtual hug!