About Venezuela: venezuelans ¡Our future is now!

in english •  8 years ago  (edited)

On July 16, 2017, an unprecedented milestone was set for the day, from the national assembly, and therefore an act binding on the legislation of a sovereign power, a popular consultation (plebiscitum) framed in the context of articles 333 and 350 of the ill-named "Bolivarian" constitution of the Republic of Venezuela, that is, framed in the context of a civil insurrection that began a little more than 3 months ago. However, this plebiscite, had already been mentioned a little more than two months without raising some kind of expectation ¡It was more the joy of being dismissed!

Source: https://www.google.co.ve/search?q=plebiscito+16j&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjBxIu6t53VAhUF7SYKHdx7CqQQ_AUICigB&biw=1280&bih=670#tbm=isch&q=plebiscito+16j+catia&imgrc=eig1NbuYhLRxMM:

Source: https://www.google.co.ve/search?q=plebiscito+16j&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjBxIu6t53VAhUF7SYKHdx7CqQQ_AUICigB&biw=1280&bih=670#tbm=isch&q=plebiscito+16j+catia&imgdii=PwSAGhZ2HAC0aM:&imgrc=eig1NbuYhLRxMM:

However, a hundred days of civic struggle, organized, peaceful, defending the natural right, again arises from the heart of the leadership that represents us politically, the proposal to carry out a popular consultation, I believe, in order to locate as the counter-political and constitutional response to the spurious constituent national assembly; A popular consultation that was based on three questions: 1) REJECTS and does not know the realization of a constituent imposed by Nicolas Maduro without the prior approval of the people of Venezuela? 2) DEMAND the National Armed Forces and all public officials to obey and comply with the constitution of 1999 and support the actions of the National Assembly? 3) APPROVED that the renewal of Public Powers be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and the holding of free and transparent elections, as well as the formation of a National Union Government to restore constitutional order?

preguntas-plebiscito-16-julio-venezuela (1).jpg
Source: https://www.google.co.ve/search?q=plebiscito+16j&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjBxIu6t53VAhUF7SYKHdx7CqQQ_AUICigB&biw=1280&bih=670#tbm=isch&q=plebiscito+16j+preguntas&imgrc=y_Z3wtkADLVogM:

It seems illogical to consult (again) a mandate issued by the citizens on December 6, 2015, because that was the campaign of the leadership! But this recent addition adds a new element: formation of a provisional government; Proposal designed and offered by the renowned writer and professor Juan Carlos Sosa Azpúrua, in accordance with the absolute absence decreed by the National Assembly on January 9, 2016 and then, in accordance with articles 333 and 350 entered into force to ignore The public authorities complicit in the systematic violation of human rights and crimes against humanity, so that everyone is absolutely usurping a position that does not belongs to them: we are not aware of them, they are nobody; We must fill the power vacuum. There is a discursive reality: the truth of the usurpers can only exist in a detrimental sense of our truth.

(Audio of the full proposal of Juan Carlos Sosa Azpurúa)

You would ask yourself ¿Why consult society about what is an ethical and moral duty? I cannot answer what the deputies thought, but what I thought: that the concept of "Original Power" is the wedge of evils where the evils of Venezuela's history are sustained. The "original power" is only summoned as a supra-constitutional authority, which in the words of the late Óscar yanez, is a super-dictatorial authority *, which in the hands of perfidious groups acquires vile, demagogic and populist connotation. Nefarious bastards!. But this is just my opinion.

Source: https://www.google.co.ve/search?q=ayn+rand+sobre+derechos+individuales&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjPuoKtw53VAhVIJCYKHewrCHQQ_AUICigB&biw=1280&bih=670#imgrc=dAK8j7LlBsp9oM:

This is the big question: #¿What happened after the popular consultation (plebiscitum) within the political leadership that represents us in this high hour?# Zero hour did not enter into force as announced 15 days ago: Invoked zero critical hour, zero dissent, zero discernment. And this happens because they announced a simply insufficient struggle agenda, letting it show a trace of betrayal. Explicit words of who assumed the vocation that day, Freddy Guevara: "If you decide to withdraw the National Constituent Assembly, we sit and talk face to face before the country" No, it is not seeking the peace of citizens, is to seek the peace of a tyrant. Already in recent history there are three dialogues that failed simply because we are talking to criminals, and not to falsify reality: we speak of the high, medium and low officials belonging to the dominant hegemony are criminals of the most diverse ranks, from officials who are leaders of drug cartels to those who lead an expansionism of terrorist groups in our territorial space; This is another discursive reality: Venezuela is not a problem for Venezuelans, it is a problem of the hemisphere and the western countries ¡We are a satellite state of criminal organizations!

Source: http://globovision.com/article/mud-anuncia-acuerdo-de-gobernabilidad-para-el-gobierno-de-unidad

The agreement does not mention when or how there will be transitional government, how or when it will come out of the tyrant, how or when it will be zero hour ¡Dilations everywhere!

Venezuelans: The future is now! The National Constituent Assembly of Maduro is in 9 days and when it is officially installed we are a red code. It is urgent to rethink the political agenda of the only leadership that represents us. Either we force them to decisive action or we will also ignore them! prebendary corporatism gives parties concomitant to tyranny cannot coerce our struggle now or ever. This is the libertarian struggle of the Venezuelans who said enough is enough. We need the Western world, but above all, irreducible parties in the face of the threats to Westernism in order to consolidate a satellite tyranny of Eastern powers in criminal matters. Or assume or we will put them aside! Viva Venezuela! Long live the Venezuelans! Death to tyrants, now and forever!

"Tyrannicide is an ethical and moral duty," said St. Thomas Aquino. And rightly so, because natural death is an inane justice!

Source: https://www.google.co.ve/search?q=tiranicidio&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiDpNXSvp3VAhXGHJoKHWESDiMQ_AUIBigB&biw=1280&bih=670#tbm=isch&q=tiranicidio+santo+tomas+de+aquino&imgrc=0HCsQjELC0FHeM:

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Beautiful writeup!Thanks for sharing.

Thank you for the reading