How to strengthen, enhance and beautify your hair at home.

in english •  7 years ago 

Very good morning friends of steemit in my previous articles I have talked on many occasions of the importance of taking care of the hair like the rest of the body. Many times we ignore his care and we do not realize that he also suffers with external agents, with age and with what we eat.

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There are foods that, by including them in our diet will help us to strengthen, improve and beautify our hair.

For us women one of the most important things of our body is our hair we always want to keep them beautiful, bright and healthy for this here I leave you some food that will help strengthen your hair:


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Lack of iron is the second cause of hair loss and the easiest to treat. Spinach is rich in minerals, and with it, iron, beta-carotene and vitamin C keep the hair follicles healthy and promote good blood circulation in the scalp.


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They are rich in oils that contribute to elastin and hair growth. You will need them if there is not enough oil in your body, as the hair will become brittle and break. But be careful, because if you eat too many the effect will be the opposite and your hair will become straight.

White meat fish

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White meat fish are rich in magnesium, which is essential for hair growth and its deficit is one of the most frequent causes of alopecia.


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Rich in beta carotenes that make the body better synthesize vitamin A, which helps strengthen the scalp.

I invite you to try these foods in our day to day, and you will see how our hair will thank us thank you very much. I hope this works for me, because it works for me to have a happy Thursday, attentively Fanny Mendoza. (Fannyamor).

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Awesome post! Thanks for sharing :)