An Unforgettable Afternoon

in that order
Hello friends! A long time without communicating, today I bring a post about a recent experience that I found pleasant to remember and discuss with you.
Since I have months without writing I'm probably rusty when it comes to communicating something, and understanding that it will disappear once I return to practice and unleash the words that ask me to let them out, everything will return to what was a few months behind. However, I am pleased to know that I do not have problems when starting the engines when I think about the happiness that this day caused me in specific, because that is what I need and nothing else.
April 29th was the twentieth birthday of one of my best friends, and this brought both happy and strange feelings that I had not had before, accompanied by rhetorical questions that seemed pointless at the time and now I remember and study more meticulously.
I felt happiness. I was so grateful to see her smile in front of me, to share with her and to feel that we lived together that special moment. A privilege that many outside the country for the situation we face, can not perform with their own loved ones.
I felt sad, because despite being together and thanking it, we were not complete. The lack of our fourth member in our intimate circle of friendship felt more than ever, being the first time since we are together that she was not here at a celebration like this. Although we knew her support was at every second with us.
I felt that time passed so quickly ... with this year, all of us four beginning our twenties, we give way to a new stage in our lives, where we will have sudden and decisive changes and we become "more adult", although it sounds funny. They say that between the ages of twenty and thirty, the biggest changes of your life take place, a stage that marks the rest. I'm not afraid of it, frankly speaking, I just feel how different it is and what it will be all now. "Different is not a bad thing, it's just difficult to face".
I felt grateful every second of being able to have her by my side, sharing laughter and almost-tears. To enjoy both, a party, and stay lying listening to music while trying to take a failed nap talking about anything. To take pictures and walk next to each other, go anywhere; but together, and to have someone by your side without any conditions.
Thank you very much for reading! See you soon!