[Crypto Currency] Rookie Coin (RCK) - Block Chain Advertising Platform

in english •  7 years ago  (edited)

[Crypto Currency] Rookie Coin (RCK) - Block Chain Advertising Platform


In 2017, there was an international fraud. A bot called hyphbot generated countless traffic from 34,000 websites, making 1.5 billion ad requests a day, damaging half a million systems.

The ad industry has created solutions to address these traffic issues and malicious attacks, but as hacker technology moves ahead of security technology, attacks on the ad platform are also evolving.

The problem is that advertising platforms are not competitors and sharing solutions or selling them at fair prices is a problem. Because it is a competitor, it is the story that this unreasonableness occurs.


Rookie Coin tries to solve the problem by creating an online advertising platform called Socialite, which is made up of block chains. Because there are many participants through the block chain, it leads to fair and transparent platform operation and participation.

I was noticed that I was not interested in ICO, but I was attracted to people by adopting an operation method that enables immediate trading through listing on Coinrail. This means that the transaction was made without an individual who owns the RCK.

Since the process of advertising on socialite is carried out through RCK, there is a feature that the fee is very low, and also the reliability through the block chain verification system and the transparency that can read the data record are also featured. In addition, it can be highly secure in that it is difficult to make any modifications.


Rookie Coin pays RCK tokens for Platform Nodes within the platform to drive campaigns and to evaluate campaigns for their value and application of solutions. Socialite means the compensation system of the ecosystem inside.

Nodes will record their ownership and evaluation of RCK to Socialite in the block chain. Among these, media users will register their information in the Media Registry and utilize these materials as an evaluation index for Media.

The Verification-Application Registry monitors and verifies abnormal behavior on the ad platform. Users must pass this structure to receive RCK. Regular users can also report advertisements for Media that exhibits anomalies, which can be rewarded.

Media is required to present a certain amount of money as a deposit, and it can serve as a credibility and honesty according to the size of the deposit. If an anomaly is found and reported, the same amount as the deposit is sent to the node as the declared warranty amount, and it is redistributed through verification.


Users can also create nodes, which are called User Nodes. The difference with the Platform Node is that you can report and vote, but you can not use Storage, and you can use the same functionality for the rest.

It is possible to register your own media for evaluation, and to carry out campaigns. It is the same as the Paltform Node, which requires the adoption of a validation solution required by the platform, and the campaign through Media.

The difference is in the ability to monitor and report on campaigns, use and vote on rewards, applications, and SDKs that need to be spent on advertising.


Rookie Coin's roadmap.
Q3 2016
Socialite's closed form begins to develop.

Q4 2016
Socialite completes development of closed closure.

Q1 2017
Socialite open type development is completed.

Q4 2017
Plan Rookie Coin and Main-net.

Q2 2018
Listing Rookie Coin

Q3 2018
Completes U.I renewal of socialite open type.

Q1 2019
Apply VA to Socialite ..

Q3 2019
Completes the development of Socialite's Reward-Aplication SDK.

Q4 2019
Socialite Compensation Application Launches.

Start developing the advertising platform block chain for Main-net.


Rookie Coin is a Crypto Currency related to the advertising segment, one of the areas where block chains are actively being introduced. It was especially noticed that Coinrail was first listed on the stock market without ICO, and it had a 10,000% rise on the day of listing.

Ultimately, we will use Rookie Coin's own block chain and RCK to reward users and participants, and Socialite is our first platform. It is a form that can be exchanged for RCK by paying points through Socialite's participation in the campaign, but the mainstream participation is in the form of a game invitation from Kakaotalk that we often see.

The information about Team was not available on Linkedin's Advisor only. We have already been listed on Coinrail, and since we launched Socialite, which is not a full version, but it is open, we can say that it has some degree of trust.

Although we have built a validation structure for platforms such as surveillance, voting, and operation by introducing block chains, we can see that the ad platform itself is a very common structure that has existed so far. The difference is that users' participation is paid through the Crypto Currency from the block chain, and although not mentioned, Smart Contract will be used to pay these rewards.

Whether the Reward-Application SDK will be developed in the future and whether or not the platform will be adopted will be considered the future value of Rookie Coin. Marketing and business are very important.

The English White Paper does not exist, it is simply English site, and it is not known in the world yet. If you want to expand your business more aggressively and appreciate the value in the future, you need to be able to produce more clearly about this part.

Rookie Coin: http://rookiecoin.org/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rookiecoin
Telegram: https://t.me/rookiecoin_announce
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Rookiest-594307764050084/
Cocoa cake: https://open.kakao.com/o/gu6gwDK

I have analyzed based on white paper and published information. Since there is no information that can be verified, it is recommended that individuals conduct further analysis and proceed with their own discretion.
I do not encourage individuals to invest, they share information only for reference.

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