English Phrasal Verbs (97/365) - Figure Out Something/Somebody/Figure Something/Somebody Out

Don't Try To Figure Me Out

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To figure out means

A) to understand something or solve a problem

Example sentences:

  • I've figured out how to find our way out of here.
  • It was hard to figure out what he was saying.

B) to understand another person's motivations

Example sentence:

  • For the longest time, I couldn't understand why he did those things. But I think I've figured him out.

I'm under the impression that this PV is used in North America but not very much in Britain or the Commonwealth. Is this true?

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Hi Markku. Working something out basically is what it means. Very common.

In Britain and South Africa, too? I know Americans say it all the time.

Yes. Very common.

Well I'm still trying to figure out the intentions of my government but so far I can only confirm that the entire cabinet have a hidden agenda without a doubt.