원어민들이 밥 먹듯이 쓰는 영어표현 15가지

in englishstudy •  3 years ago 
  1. literally- 말그대로
    It was literally 'the' best movie
    최상급 앞에 the꼭 붙임!!!

  2. pretty - 꽤, 매우
    You are pretty nice

  3. How are you doing?= how are you?

  4. I got paid!
    나 월급받았어

  5. Keep the change.
    잔돈은 괜찮아요

  6. Can I have..?/ Could I have..?
    Can I have an iced americano?

  7. Let me know
    let me know when you're done

  8. Let you know
    I will let you know when I'm done

  9. What was that?
    그게 뭐라고?

  10. Are you hearing me?
    내 말 듣고 있어?

  11. Where were we?
    우리가 어디까지 했더라?

  12. May or may not
    일 수도 아닐 수도

  13. good for you
    잘 됐다!

  14. Looks good on you
    Your hair looks good you
    The shoes look good on you

  15. Do you mind?
    Do you mind I ask you a favor?

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