in entechnology •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hello Steemians, a very happy new year to you all. I wish you all have a good time here in Steemit this year. Today, I bring to you my new post about NASA V/S ISRO: DETAILED COMPARISON. Please go through it and discover the other faces of NASA and ISRO.


Now let's begin the comparison.

Mission to Mars: NASA managed to enter the orbit of Mars on its six attempt while ISRO managed this feat on his first attempt. This made India the first country to reach Mars on his first mission itself. Except ISRO and NASA only two others these agencies have managed to reach the Red Planet. But it is important to note that NASA first successful Mars Orbiter Mission came way back in 1971. I am going to give one point for each to NASA and ISRO. So the score is 1:1 .


Cost Effectiveness: This is one field in which ISRO beats NASA hands down. In November 2013 two Orbiter Missions to master flight one from ISRO and other from NASA. NASA spent a whooping 683 Million Dollars on its Mars Mission compared to just 75 Million Dollars by a show on Mangalyaan. India has also become a preferred destination for companies and countries looking to launch the satellite because of its cost effectiveness. Thus this point goes to ISRO. Now the score is 2:1.

A budget of 1.4 Billion Dollars, it may seem like a huge amount to most of us but it is just a fraction of what America spends on NASA. It has humongous budget of 19.5 Billion Dollar which is almost fourteen times out of a ISRO . Though we are giving this point to NASA . We must give credit to ISRO that in spite of having much smaller budget it is still considered one of the top five space agencies in the world. It is a testament to the talents and hard work of ISRO scientists. So, the score becomes 2:2.


Lunar Missions: In 2008 with the successful launch of Chandrayaan-1 India became only the fourth country to place its flag on the moon. Chandrayaan-1 also became the first Lunar Mission to discover the presence of water on moon. Americans failed on 12 occasions before finally succeeding. This being said we must also consider that NASA first successful mission was in 1964, 44 years before India. Considering that India discovered water and NASA reached much earlier than ISRO. This is another tough one point each to both organizations. So the score becomes 3:3.

Satellite Launches: The maximum number of satellites launched by NASA in Bangor is 29 meanwhile ISRO launched 104 Satellites from a single rocket in 2017 and where world record was made. Previous record was held by Russia succeeded in putting 37 satellites in orbit. Out of the 104 Satellites launched 96 was from America. The cost-effectiveness of ISRO along with a very strong success rate makes India one of the favorite in the Commercial Satellite Market. This point goes to India and the score is now 4:3.


Only the US, Russia and China have succeeded in sending humans into space. India is still seven to ten years away from sending its first Manned Space Mission If you lived in the stated time frame India will become the Fourth Nation the successfully carry-ons Manned Mission.

Source : YOUTUBE

But at present NASA is the head and gets the point. So, the final 4:4. Now it's up to you to decide which organization is better.






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