Up to 44.3% of new entrepreneurs are women. And that the entrepreneur is a woman favors the success of the company, reducing the number of companies that close when the leadership is female (according to the 2016 GEM Report). And these entrepreneurs are our modern heroines: they overcome adversity, demonstrate leadership skills, team management, and a great initiative to take forward a brilliant idea that is probably the greatest illusion of their lives.
The data from the studies show that there are many more women entrepreneurs than we believe, there are up to 650,000 women entrepreneurs in Spain, however, many remain anonymous, out of focus, focused on moving forward their project and working day and night. night in your company, but as soon as we scratch a little we see them work hard in front of your company and carrying the weight of your project. They are our heroines because they work weekends, on vacations or when necessary, and with that they create wealth, give a service and a product that their clients like, and create jobs fighting against all the obstacles and obstacles.
How did the venture arise?
Entrepreneurship is the rediscovery of a passion: connect again with what you are passionate about, with your hidden talent, with what you are good at, with your favorite hobby. It is a concern that you have felt there and that one day you decide to take it back to turn it into your profession and your future. That is why entrepreneurs are passionate about a project and for them it is like a drug to which they dedicate work, efforts and sleepless days and nights. It is a path of personal fulfillment.
*The need for entrepreneurship is gestated before undertaking. And at a given moment, it has to be born, grow and develop.
*According to data of the study Undertaking carried out by Kaleidoscopic - Kanpai! carried out in November 2017, the *main reasons for undertaking women are the following:
*Own decision: need to take on new challenges.
*Pushed by a dismissal.
*For maternity: recent mothers seeking a profession that allows them to make work and family compatible.
*Labor instability.
*Changes of residence.
According to data from the 2016 GEM Report, the decision to start is due to 26% in a case of necessity, 70.2% in the case of an opportunity and 3.8% in other cases.
Entrepreneurship is a process of maturity, often arising from frustration with work experience and the challenge of overcoming it. Women are aware of the different job opportunities they have as a woman, and even more so if they are mothers. The new job opportunity to create your own company, is a professional experience that enriches them as workers and as people, helping them to become, becoming the path of entrepreneurship in a continuous learning.
We have spoken with Alicia Ro, communicator specialized in techniques for Public Speaking and Personal Branding, www.aliciaro.com, and with Carmen Rodríguez Mazo, Executive Director of TOCH Studio, www.toch.tv, who told us her experience in the road of entrepreneurship.
"I began to feel misplaced in my work Something internally told me that my time there was over and thanks to managing my Personal Brand, I got to know myself better, I started my own project, related to activities that I enjoy and for which I am worth" Alicia Ro
** How is entrepreneurship lived if you are a woman? **
Entrepreneurs gestate their business idea with the need to provide value, with the responsibility to contribute to society, even creating an emotional benefit that goes beyond the products and services of traditional businesses.
** Passion moves mountains, but requires courage **
During the process, the value is multiplied, each achievement, each action, each failure is celebrated because it ratifies the path of learning and effort. Every little achievement is celebrated and every failure is part of the learning path.
"The illusion can with everything because it is a personal project", Carmen Rodríguez Mazo
You have to investigate, train and be informed, and above all, be attentive to aid to women in the institutions, ranging from counseling to financing, and can help to focus your idea. Meeting other women who have lived the same as you and informing you of the news can give strength to your project and your decision.
** The difficulties involved in entrepreneurship **
Entrepreneurship is a leap into emptiness, it gives fear and vertigo because it supposes breaking the socially established canons. It is a change of habits and mentality. Safety and stability are sacrificed in exchange for the freedom to create something of your own in which you are the conductor.
"The most complicated thing with what I am learning to live together is the uncertainty and the rollercoaster of emotions that suppose to pass from very busy times to other quieter ones", Alicia Ro
It is difficult to believe yourself and value what we are doing and achieving. Entrepreneurs have doubts about their own capabilities. His new career may be questioned socially and economically.
In addition, women still have it more complicated than men as entrepreneurs, finding themselves with visible and invisible barriers, which from public institutions are intended to mitigate and compensate with aid:
They are not empowered as well as men. Empowerment is the power to create and transform your own life and many women are not aware of it.
There is a certain social condescension that reduces their drive and credibility.
They continue to absorb most of the management and care of the home in parallel to the venture.
"Being an entrepreneur, woman and mother is an added difficulty, because they still delegate to us so our agenda is very complicated", Carmen Rodríguez Mazo
The ghost of failure is something that is always there, and the process of entrepreneurship is long and hard, and many times they feel loneliness and exhaustion.
The heroic values of an entrepreneur
According to data of the study Undertaking carried out by Kaleidoscopic - Kanpai! conducted in November 2017, these are the main characteristics of women entrepreneurs.
Determination: they are prepared, capable women, who have a goal and go for it, they do not want to give up their personal and professional development. They want to be the protagonists of their history. They are independent and adventurous.
"My nonconformity, responsibility, ability to fight and to work hard, will, perseverance, desire to contribute and passion for the issues that I am focused on have helped me in the project", Alicia Ro
Authenticity. Creating a company allows them to reconnect with themselves, with what they are and with what they want to be.
Freedom. They are women who want to take the reins of their work without having to give explanations to anyone. Professionally, they are responsible for their achievements and their mistakes, personally, being entrepreneurial allows them to manage their own time, their own leisure, their pace, even if it means working more hours a day.
Transformability They have values such as flexibility, proactivity to change, continuous learning, attention to what surrounds them. The changes are seen as something positive, that enriches and that is part of the trip.
"The best thing is to be able to decide on your future work, when you risk or when you are more conservative", Carmen Rodríguez Mazo
Learning. You learn with experience, that knowledge is integrated into the creation of the company and that knowledge is also provided to others. This learning fuels your project because it is your passion.
"The curiosity about the new, the desire to learn and know about many different areas outside of my specialty, being attentive to new technologies, and new tools, is something that has helped me a lot", Carmen Rodríguez Mazo
Self-improvement They are able to overcome their own professional and personal limits, face fears, feel capable and get ahead by pulling the project. The end of the road is a great satisfaction for having achieved it.
Self-demand The entrepreneurs demonstrate maximum involvement in the project. An energy and a passion that spreads to those around them. It is a personal project that is done with care, detail, with love and constant dedication.
"Sometimes you are your worst boss, and sometimes you are more forgiving of yourself", Carmen Rodríguez Mazo
Revision of the established working canons. The personal space, the working hours, the working day, the day-to-day dynamics of the company change and adapt to the needs.
"It is a luxury to be the manager of my time, to organize my agenda with freedom without sticking to some" office "hours and to be able to work many days from home", Alicia Ro
Towards a new business model
The new companies focus more on the human being. Economic success is important but not fundamental. There is room for the emotional and the person in front of the company. It is not so much about controlling, planning and executing as it is about letting oneself be carried away by intuition. The company focuses on meeting the needs (of customers, employees) instead of numbers. The core of the company's philosophy is shared responsibility, professional development as a team, transparency and involvement in decisions.
This new business model can help turn society and the business world into something more human and cooperative, that cares more about people and that benefits men and women alike.
These enterprising women will become a reference for future generations of women. It is important to take care of them and support them for the great work of transforming the working world they are doing.
Source | Study data Undertaking by Kaleidoscopic - Kanpai! made in November of 2017.