Actor Varun Dhawan’s success streak at the box office has made him the darling of Bollywood. He took a break to unwind and spent it with his rumoured girlfried Natasha Dalal and his friends. Pictures from his trip were shared by Varun and director Shashank Khaitan on their Instagramm accounts. After a relaxing vacation, Varun and Natasha were spotted at the Mumbai airport on Saturday.
Varun was seen in a blue jersey tee and track pants, while Natasha wore black pants and white crop top which she paired with a denim jacket. Varun and Natasha have reportedly been friends for long and began dating a couple of years back. Varun confessed to being in a relationship on Karan Johar’s show, Koffee with Karan. He, however, refused to divulge details and stated that he was not ready for her to face the spotlight.
On the work front, Varun is quite busy. He is working with Anushka Sharma for the first time on Sui Dhaaga, which is directed by Sharat Katariya and bankrolled by Maneesh Sharma. The film is expected to release in September. Varun is also collaborating with his close friend Alia Bhatt, on the big budget multi-starrer Kalank. This project is being bankrolled by Karan Johar.