Complaints of sexual abuse after 'sajjan pohon' or 'nepotism' Bollywood's 'Queen' Kangana Ranaut has always been headlined in various incidents. The news of the incident of sexually assaulted by father-in-law actor Aditya Pancholi was revealed in the head by the news. There is also the name of Hrithik Roshan and his study on the list of Kangar's complaint. This Bollywood star or his former boyfriend.
This is the Bollywood star who made an interesting incident. And this proved the incident and from the five Bollywood stars, he is indeed an exception. Kangana likes to walk in front of the torrent all the time. Kangana appeared after the night suite of his upcoming movie 'Simran'. And everyone is very surprised to see his strange clothes. His knight suit is full of different cartoon characters. Goldy shoes on kangana leg But if you hear the costume costume for 'Queen' in Bollywood, you will have to go to the forehead. This money will be a small foreign trip. The star of 'Tanu Weds Manu' came to the 'Stella McCartney' brand in this ceremony. The price of which is about one lakh rupees in Indian currency. The cost of this costume shirt is 46, 702 rupees and the cost of pants 51 thousand 500 rupees. Only the shoe price is 60 thousand 776 rupees. Kangana came together after all, more than half a million expensive costumes and shoes. However, this is a beautiful Bollywood beauty in this nightclub. The face of the decoration was not even in the face.
According to many, Kangana is coming to the news headlines for his upcoming film 'Simran'. These are the new strategies to propagate his picture or his picture. In the movie 'Simran', the character of Kangana starring 'Prafulla Patel' is named. In this film, she will be seen in the role of a 30-year-old Gujarati divorced woman. Cheerful is abroad. After the divorce, the woman wants to live a new way. But there is a secret aspect of his character. Cheerful cheating has a habit. 'Simran' directed by Hansle Mehta will be released on 15th September.