RE: I Miss My Toys: DINOSAURS ATTACK!! 1988 Topps Trading Cards... For kids! *Graphic Images*

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I Miss My Toys: DINOSAURS ATTACK!! 1988 Topps Trading Cards... For kids! *Graphic Images*

in entertainment •  7 years ago 

I wish I could give you more steemit money, especially for this post. Pure nostalgia. I do indeed remember these. I also remember the Garbage Pail Kids. Art Spiegelman is pretty cool. He did a lot of underground comics. He was around the time of R. Crumb and Harvey Pekar. He also did a cool comic about the holocaust told with mice (Jews) and cats (Nazis), cauled Maus, you should check it out.

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I've seen Maus in you T.V. stand.

Yep. It's good stuff. Not quite Dinosaurs attack, but definitely emotional.