With Kapil Sharma's show heading for a "break", his associate Kiku Sharda has affirmed that he is proceeding onward to SAB TV's new sitcom Partner with veteran humorist Johnny Lever.
Affirming the advancement, Kiku stated, "Truly, The Kapil Sharma Show is on a break on account of Kapil's medical problems."
The "break" however appears to be perpetual as Kiku has proceeded onward, and moved back, to a sitcom on SAB TV.
Giving insights about his new show, the comic virtuoso, who added so much amusing radiance to Kapil's show, uncovered, "At the present time for half a month I intend to relax. Be that as it may, in mid-September I begin shooting for my new show for SAB TV. I should do this new show close by Kapil's show. Be that as it may, now I will shoot just for the SAB TV appear."