In 2005 I thought I could bank on some good karma, and maybe a little coin when the owners of the cartoon, Gumby came into a San Francisco nightclub I was a partner in. Unfortunately neither concept materialized - what it did, though, lay the ground for a path. Part of the journey that began with my first divorce. I am still digesting and learning from the decisions and events which consumed so much of my life, at the time.
I lived with Art Clokey, the creator of Gumby when I was editing the program footage.
In the following video I wanted to use the Gumby Cartoons and the concert footage in a fun way.
I never really got any feedback - so I don't know if anyone liked it, or hated it.
Smash Mouth
Kevin Meaney was a neat comedian. I remember him being kind of frustrated, and of course very professional.
My business partner met a writer in a Hollywood bar. Martin Olson, he also wrote some of the sketches. I believe he was a writer for Sponge Bob.
Kevin Meaney as host:
I think I was signing his check here - he was a hard working performer.
Martin's daughter was in the movie "Love Actually". Shown here:
Naturally we had a new song written up for the occasion.
Art Clokey's daughter was the one who came to the club. She is a very talented woman who was a big part of the Gumby production.
It's hard to believe how time flies - I am still hoping there's some "Green" at the end of this story. So far - it has been a lot of blue. And you know what they say - it's not the destination, but the journey that counts!.
*I modified the title - the first I thought was kind of harsh and made it sound like some kind of weird click-bait. This title, really encapsulates a feeling and in that perhaps...the results. Maybe, at least, I can generate some steem...for the life of Gumby.