They ask such questions just for the heck of asking,not even expecting an answer, just a sound, just to ensure they are talking to a living entity.
Why are you here?
It is obvious you invited me
Where will you be in the next ten years?
I have no clue about tomorrow. Life can end now
What makes you think you are more qualified than others?
I am not worried about others. I am not in competition with anyone
Why should we give you this job?
Because I passed your interview
How much should we pay you?
Pay me according to the salary scale allocated to the position
What color will you paint the staircase in your room?
I have no staircase in my room
When do you plan to settle down?
I don't even have a boyfriend
If a plane crashes, where do we bury the survivors?
We only bury dead people in my hometown and not the living
What's the designer of your shirt?
I didn't remember to check when I picked it
How much do you worth?
I have no price, am not a commodity
These questions do not guarantee productivity in the company. Life is not theoretical, It is practical. Same as business.
If your basis of selection is interview, give the applicant that passes a chance.
If an applicant passes and you still deny him a chance, then your tactic is garbage.
Am still wondering till date if it was an interview or quiz competition.