What are Mantis-Insectoid Entities ?

in entities •  4 years ago 


"Mantis aliens are perhaps the most mysterious and unsettling of all extraterrestrial creatures. These beings appear within many abduction scenarios, with abductees reporting the ominous presence of these entities looming over their beds as they wake in the dead of night. While the Mantis is not as widely reported as the Grey or Nordic alien, it still holds an important role within many extraterrestrial contact scenarios."

"Mantis or Insectoid appearing beings have led the Abductee-Experiencer phenomenon from the beginning of our modern day awareness of it. They appear to be at the higher, if not the highest end of the ET hierarchy since they are most always described as overseeing or have a supervisory role in the abduction procedure process."

"Mantis-Insectoid Entities have been reported continually in the Abductee-Experiencer phenomenon for as long as there has been awareness of written accounts of humans having alien contact experiences. Mantis beings appear to be at the higher end of the Extraterrestrial and Extradimensional hierarchy since they are most always described as overseeing or have a supervisory role in the abduction procedure or contact process, in genetic experimentation of humans. In many contact reports, it appears they are the authority figure whether it is a medical procedure or Human ET Hybrid interaction, usually they are giving direction and show superiority over over Grey Aliens or EBE's that work under them"

"Most of the information about these aliens comes from abductee reports and there are numerous. Some say the Mantids are benevolent and others say quite the opposite, it is difficult to ascertain but one thing is certain, the Mantids are fearful beings, what their agenda is, is anyone’s guess. Much like other Alien groups, there seems to be a common thread in interfering with, studying, harvesting and manipulating human DNA."

"What have often been called “Mantis Men” or “Mantis aliens” typically are said to look very much as their name would suggest. They are usually described as standing 6-7 feet tall, with long, thin torsos, skinny, multi-jointed limbs, triangular, insect-like heads with large, slanted eyes and small or non-existent mouths, and the whole of the creatures covered with what appears to be some sort of segmented exoskeleton"

"The praying mantis aliens are said to have the ability to shapeshift. Eyewitnesses claim these insectoid aliens first appear to them as humans. Gradually, each human morphed into a very tall praying mantis."

"The insectoid aliens may not have shapeshifting abilities. Some alien theorists believe the transformation from human shape to praying mantis is just an illusion and is more of a mind-control skill. The insectoid aliens might project a less intimidating human form to stave off any panic that their true praying mantis form would cause. Donning the human form ensures the insectoid alien meets less resistance from their human victims."

"These extraterrestrials are one of the most enigmatic and freakish looking aliens that contactees have allegedly encountered. The mantis race supposedly comes from the sombrero galaxy 28 million light-years away from Earth. So they’re road trippers. Capable of traveling massive distances across the stars. There are many such insectoid races that originate from the sombrero galaxy, but it’s these mantis in particular that have a consistent involvement with our galactic community. Many claim these alien beings are benevolent, but evidence would suggest they’re not what they seem. The mantis show great talent for deception and are excellent at manipulating human emotions to their own agenda."

"In 1996, Grant told Lewels she had been nurturing a relationship with a mantis being she had nicknamed MU, short for Master of the Universe. The being told her that in about twenty years humanity will begin suffering the consequences of their ecological damage. MU told her “The human race is essentially, if not actually, extinct.” This message has been delivered before, but this was the first time it came from an alien bug creature claiming to rule the cosmos."

Horrified dog food factory worker ‘saw 7ft telepathic alien mantis’ while cycling home

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