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I'm not sure why this is being downvoted below zero other than some sort of personal attack against the poster. The content itself seems like legitimate commentary to me, agree with it or not. Am I incorrect?

Agreed, nothing flagworthy there.

I did flag because it's the second meme and I thought the first one made 30$ so this is "gaming the system" :D "draining the reward pool" :D buut then again can I upvote and flag at the same time :) I still liked the one before(upvoted), since it was more original, this is more of a gut punch.

@smooth a valid comment yes
and perhaps a vaccine to those who have such a mentality

we do help fellow Steemians when they go through rough times eh?

however.. we won't survive as a community if we keep helping those who are in such a situation neither would they dependence would easily grab a person of his ability to survive.

I remember someone asking for a certain donation back then - it was even a valid reason as well and I read a few replies on fellow Steemians that it turns them off that it is often happening here. The sad part is only a few had shown trasparency about what happened to the donations they gathered.

and .. check your chat please I left you another reminder :P

the chain should be open for review at least as far as this platform is concerned, plus not everyone is a good bookkeeper to take their time and write everything down for transparency's sake. Some prey on that, I'm sure somebody has been scammed ( @tpos I'm zeroed for 4 games 30 I made I lost :D where is the next one :P) but yeah so far people should be careful, there were some "attacks" and some accounts were locked or whatnot a few months ago.

I totally agree with you.

It is legitimate commentary, the better question is does it deserve upvoted? It doesn't deserve downvoted. But does this meme deserve $3? Does it really bring value to steemit? I don't know, that's for everyone else to decide.

And you can vote as you see fit. That's the beauty of Steemit.

Indeed, I agree and I do just that.

my upvote was explicitly to bring up above zero. After my vote it was paid $1. The rest is up to others I suppose although it is possible it got more upvotes because of the downvote. Streisand Effect...

It's because @rainman/@witness.svk is included in the "entitled" group and can't handle the truth.

Look at his (lack of) any significant contributions as a witness and you'll understand.

LOL stahp it you trollin! Btw, when are you gunna join us in the PIVX Slack? :p

This is fairly tame compared to some of the crap I have seen on this site. Its his opinion and it is provoking conversation, so in my book its social media gold.

Agree these constant complaining post are annoying. At least some mockery can be used for n a gentle way.

Sure, I agree.

Life makes more sense without the word "entitlement".

Just remove that concept completely, and don't even think about it again.
Your life will improve.

I agree completely, but that way half of the ideologies won't be making sense anymore, no SJW's, no bullshit ...
What would entitled people do then :D without their entitlements, nothing would have a purpose :D

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

A sign of the times, we live in an "entitled" society. I started with nothing on here and am grateful for every dime I've made!

We love ya Rich. You and your bad Bobby Orr knees like mine now sadly after the car running me over.

have a nice wkend man.

My poor knees...Hips...back...shoulders... It is nice to be loved though, I can't tell you what it means to have friends, even if they only exist in the ether lol! Have a great weekend yourself my Brother!!!

I was thinking of you today, you need to read what I posted on my life and living in a shipping container and how it ties to our discussions of things like hockey my friend. It went up 2 hrs ago.

Be well Rich and everyone else.

I'll check it out

Hey I was happy I made 1 view on my first post and 5 cents for 5 hours that is a lot in some countries, at least somebody took their time to make my investment meaningful and even without that at least it would be available for future use too :)

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

Hahahaaa ! You got a valid point here, more than that guys post who is scared of little rabbits and wants them all to die.
FYI >>>
I am proud of every little cent I collected so far. Thank you !

Any place there's even the remotest chance for a reward, a horde of Money For Nothing Seekers will show up... and demand that posting ".,,!" should be rewarded identically to posting War and Peace.

I totally agree choose to be PEACE :))

Peace indeed, IN DEED :P, this place is a godsent for some, I especially liked the conversations that were booming, and the IQ average seems to be around a 100 at least, not the 60 average in most social medias

Honestly, I am surprised they give away money this easily here.
I know it was even easier at the start, when you could get hundreds, and sometimes even thousands of dollars for barely nothing, and I sadly missed out on this gigantic free distribution of investors' money, but as long as I can still get up the $25 bucks per occasional article I consider this place still worth my time.

hahaha yeah I guess that did happen


Me too please! 😊

I agree with you, and I work in a company and in his spare time doing what I like and post on STEEMIT.
Even if sometimes I not paid all continue to do what I like.
I just say thank you handsome @berniesanders @smooth

When I look at steemit.. I see an opportunity to work hard and possibly be rewarded for it.. not an opportunity to do not much at all and hope for free shit..

Agreed. 1 cent is more than you'll get anywhere else. Payouts will get better here with time. Now is the time to "lay the tracks before the train comes."

Soooo, how do you like your coffe ? xd

You are right, and it seems to me you are right way more often than you are wrong - I just sometimes wish you found a somewhat more subtle way to put it. You've done so much good to so many users around here, if only you were a bit more lenient...and you would never get misinterpreted.

"Nobody is entitled to shit here."
Great to hear! I didn't really want to be entitled to shit!

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

But Bernie, didn't you buy a beach house or something after the campaign ended?


Lol, Bernie.. your my favorite
From circle jerking to entitled trolls

Well stated by the way!

Bernie, are you adding fuel to the fire in hope of growing conflict… and more comments… and hence higher rewards? ;)

Yep, I need the 7 SBD to pay my trailer home rent this month.

Engagement. :)

No one should count on this platform as a source of income and like any other crypto project should be prepared for it to go away. I think it is unlikely, but just like anything else you should always have multiple ways to support yourself.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Take your own advice as you are the only one claiming entitlement.

Berniesanders has found a money spout in Steemit!

meme me up scotty :P

Man, can't we all just get along??,,....

Maybe he shall apply as the new troll community manager here - space for every area of interest should be provided, right :-)? I could recommend some people lol

Cheers Bernie, I like the fact you got so many people in the comments and the atmosphere, this post doesn't deserve a flag from me anymore, it's not over rewarded, the first meme didn't make a good "payout" plus I'm not sure I'm liking the fact you are powering down, I always have liked controversies and I think they serve to clean shit out, so as much as I don't like you(20%), I still wish everything can just move on ahead better than before, plus I never had a problem with you anyways, so yeah, also priceless advice for men is below :P that guy deserves the praise :)


  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

Two rules for guys: Dr. Keith Witt at TEDxAmericanRiviera 2012

RULE Number 1 :)

Cheers :)

Hahahaha. I love it. Cheers!

Its funny but stupid at the same time.

yup still the video with which I've laughed the most out of all the TED's