How ToEarn More Money As An Employee

in entrepreneur •  3 years ago 

Want more money, just work harder.

If only life were that simple and straightforward, we will not be needing this thing we called ‘our brain’. If all we need to do to make more money is just to work harder, life would be boring. No, No, No. If working harder was the answer, then all the farmers, rubbish collectors, factory workers, and delivery workers would be millionaires. This is of course, not the case at all.

For many of us, our main income is from our day job and it is important that we make a decent amount of money from it. It is critical that we are compensated fairly for our time and efforts.

For that to happen, we must also do our part. After all, life is not a one-way traffic. It is no difference here. You must give your employer what they want if you expect them to give you what you want.

So, What Actually Does Your Employer Wants?

  1. Do Your Job Well

This is so obvious, yet many employees are not getting the point. What an employer wants above all is for you to do your job well. Note, “Do your job well” and not “to the best of my abilities” as commonly believed. What if your best is not good enough? Your employer wants you to do your assigned job as how it was instructed when it was instructed and where it was instructed. In other words, deliver on schedule, on time, and within budget. This is what doing your job well means.

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  1. Get Along and Mix Around

As long as we living here in this world, it is necessary that we get along with everyone, or at least with almost everyone in our team or in our company. This is not an option, or a choice, this is a must. An eccentric smart guy may work well in movies but in real life, he gets on everyone’s nerves. And this can result in tension and general unhappiness around the
workplace. Which in turn can result in lower productivity and affect profits. Therefore, learn to get along with others, not for their sake but yours too.

  1. Be Honest

Needless to say, you need to be honest, which means, no lying, cheating, misleading, backstabbing, sabotaging, stealing, tampering, smuggling, and all other unwanted activities. Now, this seems like asking too much but it is a mandatory requirement for success as an employee.

  1. Be Hardworking

Needless to say, you must be hard working and you must actually be seen doing the work and not just saying it!. You should not hesitate about coming in early and staying back late to complete an important and urgent job, even if you are not getting paid for it. You should not hesitate for volunteering to cover for others when they fall sick or have to leave early. And always make yourself available when the company needs you, like when they are understaffed or hit by a crisis.

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  1. Be Enthusiastic

Would you like to work in a place where everyone has a sour face and the words coming out from their mouth are filled with negativity? The answer is a big NO and neither does your employer. Employer too wants to see their employees smile, laugh, and have a good time at work. They all want bright, fully charged, and enthusiastic employees who will climb any mountain, cross any river, and sail any sea. An enthusiastic employee brings light, hope and will always be welcomed no matter where he goes.

  1. Be Loyal

All employers expect their employees to be loyal. They expect you to say good things about them, promote them and when it comes down to it, defend them. While this is easy to do if you are working for a great company, it becomes more difficult if your company is not doing so great and worse of all, is up to some mischief on the sidelines. Now, this may be asking a lot but you have to be loyal and do all the above for your company. If you cannot do it, then at least keep quiet and do not make it worse by broadcasting the fact that your company is no good and giving unfair treatment. This may be difficult on your part but as long as you are working for them, then it is your obligation to be loyal because they are paying your salary.

How To Get More Money?

  1. Be Very Good At Your Job

Yes, this is the prime requirement. Be very good at it, so good that you can do it with your “hands tied and your eyes close”. As a matter of fact, be an expert and an authority in your job if you can. Because once you achieve this, no one can complain or stop the employer from paying you more money. In fact, smart employers will want to pay you more because you are an invaluable asset to them, they know you will make more money for them.

  1. Always Deliver

Once given a task, always deliver what is promised. Meet deadlines, targets, goals and deliver within budget. You will then develop a reputation as a person who is dependable. And this will go a long way when the time for a pay revision is raised.

  1. Volunteer

Most employees will usually shy away from volunteering themselves. They see this as an addition to their already crowded work and responsibilities. What they see is more work that does not translate into more pay. But this is short-term thinking practiced by most average employees. You need to think otherwise. Volunteer for projects that are critical and important, the ones that can make a big impact on the company, and choose the ones that will enable you to use your strengths.

So, if you want to be a star performer, start volunteering your services and you will be pleasantly surprised at what may turn out in the future.

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  1. Know Your Market Rates

Scout around and find out how much others doing the same job as you are, are getting out there. Firstly, you do not want to be underpaid when everyone else is getting the real value. Your income should be comparable to what others are getting elsewhere. If it is much lower, then you better have strong reasons for staying. Ideally, your income should be comparable or higher than others. By knowing your rates, you will have a better footing when the time for a pay revision is due.

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  1. Move Up, Move Sideways Or Move Out

The reality is that with time, you should be moving up in the company and getting the necessary rise in pay. If you are still at the same place, doing the same old thing, making pretty much the same amount in the last ten years, then it is very likely that you are not the apple in the company’s eyes. They do not value you enough to warrant any increase in pay.

But this is when you have to face reality. This is the time when you have to bite the bullet and do what is necessary. If you cannot move up, try moving sideways. Failing to do this, then it is time to move out. Move out and move on, find a company where your skills and ability are better utilized. Always keep learning and moving forward. Life is too short to stand still or to earn a pittance.

That’s all for now, friends. Hope to see you in my next article.

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