3 things to deal with as you grow & transform

in entrepreneur •  7 years ago 

As you grow in your work, creativity, confidence, personal life and your circle of influence, practice dealing with these 3 things as often as you can.

  1. Rejection
    It could be a job opportunity, an application to speak at some event, a publishing deal or simply asking someone out on a date. Get good at asking and going for whatever it is you want, and learn not to take it personally if it doesn’t go the way you hoped. If you get rejected, good. At least you now know where you stand, so you can move on without spending any more time and energy thinking about it. It wasn't your door - there is another one out there for you. At least you gave it a go, right? No regrets. Now get back up and go again.

  1. Failure
    Failure is part of the gig of learning and trying new things. Every failure is one step closer to mastery. Those who tend to be successful have failed innumerable times beforehand. Get good at failing and adjusting your strategy as you go - it’s by far the quickest way to learn and grow.

  2. Getting called nasty names
    There will always be people who don’t get you, don’t like your work or just have a gripe with the world. As your circle of influence grows, so too will your exposure to more of these types of people. They will try to shoot you down, complain and call you the nastiest names they can think of. Don’t take this personally and don’t try to defend or prove your position as you will be wasting your breath and energy. Instead of arguing with them, send them compassion, for they must be suffering deep inside to act out in such a way. Get good at letting petty name calling fall by the wayside and get back to your mission.

Fall in love with the journey!

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Interesting post. What you think about and focus on, you create. So personally I choose to think about acceptance, success and being praised. I like what you're putting out, just prefer to create a different vibe in my own personal world. Saying that after 32 years as a solo entrepreneur!!! :)

Anyone who reaches a larger audience will inevitably come across haters. So, have you not had any haters in your time? How do you deal with them?

My say is wholeness is balance, no one without the other and so.. every way is a way! 💗

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment