Everyone in life seems to want to avoid problems right? I mean lets face it, problems can suck when they happen. It doesn't matter if it's a small thing like losing your keys, or a big thing like losing your job or spouse; problems can cause us to feel less than happy about life. I would also say that problem oriented thinking is one that our society as a whole is devoted to. People love thinking about problems, worrying about problems, stressing out over what might be or what has gone wrong in the past. The key point being that people are addressing problems pre-meditatively. Being that Murphys Law never sleeps, neither can our vigilant survival instincts it would seem.
Now preemptively addressing problems I feel is a good thing. I would imagine that people of all kinds want to do their best to fix problems while they are small and according to Lao Tzu, this is the way to go. Better to nip it in the bud as they say. That being said, within the origination of every problem simultaneously arises a unique solution. The part they don't tell you is that to arrive at that solution, a sacrifice must usually be made in some regard. So say you lose your job. You are now thinking about taking another position in the same industry, but you know you might get laid off there as well. As a result you consider the option to go off and start to pursue your longterm passion project, but you know that this will mean a cut in pay and security. Depending on your family position and need for a specific lifestyle this might just be a deal breaker for working on that passion project.
Whatever size problems you personally choose to tackle, your problems in your life are directly apportioned to your profits... The bigger the problems you are prepared to solve within your own life, be they physical, mental, spiritual or the like are directly apportioned to the amount of profit you can yield out of your life. Why do entrepreneurs get paid 10X that of regular CEO's? They are prepared to deal with problems of any shape, scope and size. Where as other corporate jobs may have a limitation to the range of problems they deal with.
I'm sure you may have heard the phrase "thats out of my pay grade" which means, I don't get paid enough to make that decision. This is a very accurate statement in my opinion. It may not be rocket science what I am saying, but I feel its an angle that many people don't consider.
So just remember if you want big profits in your life, be they monetary, spiritual, or emotional; then you need to be prepared to solve big problems... Because... Problems Equal Profits!
I talk about these concepts and much more in my book, "Startup Fever, How Crowdfunding Will Rebuild the American Dream!"
See it here on Amazon....http://tinyurl.com/k9xagbk
Until next time...
Enjoy some coffee and relax, its all a part of life...