9 Years In The Making...This Was Born For STEEM!

in entrepreneurship •  6 years ago 

"I quit...!"

My family had just moved across the country and I was trying desperately to find a job. Friends of the family had sent me to work as a courier driver in a city where I knew no one...

The hours were extremely long and the pay was borderline criminal...But I had a new born son, and I had no other options. Around this time I was dabbling in this 'work from home' stuff...A few months before the 'big move' I literally clicked on a banner that said I could make money online....

I know, I know...That's when banner advertising worked extremely well, and I got hooked on the entire concept of sitting behind my computer and making some cash.

I got a few checks in the mail (this was way before PayPal and crypto lol) so I knew that it could be done...But again, having a new born son, my focus was on putting food on the table. Not clicking on banners hoping to strike it rich...

But one day...While driving back from a 12 hour shift of delivering packages all across a city I was unfamiliar with...I quit! I called my boss and told him this wasn't for me, and I needed to find my own path.

That path was entrepreneurship and making money online!

I wasn't exactly sure HOW this was going to become a reality...But I was dedicated and focused to make it so.

I've seen plenty of loses and a few of wins over the past few decades of working from home...Major successes and EPIC failures.

The biggest failure was the closure of my previous company. We got shut down by PayPal for reasons we are still in the dark about and business essentially crumbled...

Things looked pretty scary!

Because my life seemed to go in a cycle...16 years after my first son, I had another newborn to worry about feeding! My hustle went into over-drive ;)

I discovered the STEEM blockchain and started putting my effort into doing everything I could to build a presence here. I saw it's HUGE potential and have dedicated almost 2 years of my life to it...But something in the back of mind kept nagging me...

How could I combine my love of entrepreneurship and the STEEM blockchain?

Only July 25th, 2019...I re-launched one of my most successful brands online and think I have found the perfect match for what I'm trying to build here on Steem!

Click Track Profit was at one time, a premier affiliate marketing training hub. The difference between what we did at CTP and other sites was we put a HUGE emphasis on having fun.

We gamified the entire learning process, by adding badges and digital rewards to the educational content.

Members would join and be able to unlock more content and training by actually DOING what was taught...The site launched in 2010 and was a huge success. We had so much fun back then!

Then the PayPal drama happened and CTP suffered...

However I knew it would never die because it had the most important part to any successful online business....An awesome community!

Yesterday...We re-launched! And I was absolutely blown away at the amazing support this 9 year old program still has.

And what's even more exciting...

We're bringing CTP to the blockchain!

I have mentioned it over the past few days but ClickTrackProfit will be getting it's own token on SCOT - The CTP Token

We've been working with the guys at Steem Engine to get our Nitrous condenser up and running and should be good to go very soon.

I want to make sure I launch this project right because it's so important for CTP to get a good start on STEEM. Let's be honest, affiliate marketing and working from home don't always have the best reputation online...So it's got to be done right.

I'm hoping that our 200,000+ affiliates are going to fall in love with the idea of STEEM. As they will be taught to create content for their online businesses on our condenser :)

More people coming to Steem and of course, Steem and SBD are the recommended crypto currency that is accepted in CTP as well. Combined with detailed lessons on how to get set up and powered up....I'm pretty excited!

This is a huge experiment for me and my partner, but we believe in both communities so much....

The power of ClickTrackProfit's members and amazing entrepreneurs!

And the STEEM blockchain and all the amazing things taking place here.

I can't think of a better match and that's why I'm so excited to be launching our token on Steem-Engine!!

Let's see what happens in the next few days :)

Wanna see what we're building?

Check out the training for free at ClickTrackProfit.com

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://plus1daily.com/9-years-in-the-making-this-was-born-for-steem/

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OK, you convinced me to create an account, and to give it a try! :)

Awesome! Let me know what you think...And please, any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

Dear @jongolson, I spent about 2 hours on the platform, and the learning material and the gamification are really great. I did not like the intense promotion of the Entrepreneur paid membership... My feeling is that it is not appropriated for people that are just starting to discover the platform. Also, after the time I spent on the website, I still do not know how the earnings are done, and what you need to do to make your first cents. Agree, maybe I need more time ...

thanks for signing up! that’s the goal of the site. to get people through click. track. and then profit. we teach people blogging and content creation but also social media and list building. it’s not meant to teach people how to make money right away. it’s a process :)

Posted using Partiko iOS

Great to see CTP is back better than ever! It will fun to see CTP grow behond what it was before. The re launch went well. I am waiting for the condenser to get done so we can get our hands on the tokens. The token will be one that will go up in price as members oc CTP are very much in to tokens which bode well for the CTP token in the short and long term. ( this is not financial advice) Congrats to Jon and Blain on the re launch and lets have some fun!

thanks man. appreciate all the support over the years :)

Posted using Partiko iOS

You have no idea how happy I am for you, Jon. We have been through a lot together & saw each other through a lot of bad times & amazingly good ones. Blood, sweat & tears, but everything happens for a reason. I firmly believe the road you traveled was meant to lead here. Steem + CTP = magical combination. It is only the beginning ... :)

Here's to many years of success & FUN!! I am in this with you all the way! ❤️🙌 Much love & pixie dust.

i can’t wait to see this thing really take off. but now comes the hard work :)

thanks for all your support jenn!!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Awesome man! Follow those dreams! Thanks for al the hard work you do and building it on Steem!

Posted using Partiko iOS

thank you sir. it was a match made in heaven for me. now i just need to get these members fired up like i am lolol

Posted using Partiko iOS

Really excited for you on this as it seems like the potential is well worth the effort! I will give it a spin! Look forward to seeing more from it! Wish the best of success!

Posted using Partiko iOS

thanks man. yeah it’s been a blast so far. hope for bigger and better things from it :)

Posted using Partiko iOS

Awesome Jon! I've just taken a look inside the new site. I think CTP still has the potential to revitalize and maybe guide to new adventures the older and newer members and its partners.

awesome man. let me know what you think after you poke around a bit :) great to have you back!

Posted using Partiko iOS

So many people find it difficult to really say the word I quit, this is specifically because it's really a bold step that may definitely turn out wrong in my opinion really, but it takes the recognition that you want to do what brings fufilment to you. Congratulations buddy.

Thanks very much. Yeah there is a time and place I think to reevaluate your game plans...I am thankful I did that all those years ago :)

Wow Jon! This looks really exciting. Will take a closer look at it :)

Thanks man, yeah we're going to have a ton of fun with this one :)

Hi @jongolson I am a bit excited on how CTP will do on steem. SO it remains to be experienced what it can do for steemians, Best regards now.

Thanks man. Yeah it's gonna be interesting to see how they take to anything blockchain related...It's very new to a lot of my members...But I'll walk them through it, and I know the STEEM community will be there with open arms....Hope so at least LOL

Hi @jongolson I dropped by from the steem savvy training. Looking forward to all the future training's from you.

Awesome to hear that. Please drop me a line if you have any questions at all :)

Congrats and holding on and never giving up and I hope it's a huge success on steemit. Glad it will bring in more people here.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hope so :)

It's the perfect match for what I'm trying to teach people at the site.

Wish you all the best buddy with CTP. Seems like an excelent idea to onboard the masses!
Can't wait to try it out once everything is ready with Steem-Engine!

Thanks man, appreciate that a ton. Yeah we'll be working on getting it all proper here today...I just dont wanna release it and screw it all up...lol

Of course.
Just spread the word out once it's ready.
Peace bro!

Great to see the passion is still there Jon. Congrats on the rebirth :)

Thanks man. Such an awesome day....Except I think we made Blain pass out at his computer LOLOL

Very happy to see the band is getting back together. Even if it's a new band and a mostly new gig. I'm all in on this man. I'm excited about where this can go.

Appreciate that man. And thanks for being a huge supporter and one of the first CTP members to embrace STEEM. I really hope lots of other members make the journey to the blockchain :)

The best thing as a entrepreneur is to continue and ignore people that say no.
The best profit is in fixing a problem people have or didnttknowtthey had!

It's a big lesson for sure...Not the easiest to hear and embrace though. But those that do, seem to win :)

Thank you so much for participating in the Partiko Delegation Plan Round 1! We really appreciate your support! As part of the delegation benefits, we just gave you a 3.00% upvote! Together, let’s change the world!

Great story...You've got a winner here Jon...let's see where we can take this. I'm vouching for this here...gonna dive in myself and see who we can pull along.

And CTP is back! Let's see what I could learn from it. Lots more to learn. I feel like a newbie all over again!