Don’t be a Can’t — Our Mind and its’ shut door policies

in entrepreneurship •  7 years ago 

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Interesting things and confusing times with so much information at our fingertips. We hear about amazing things that we can do. Now we have an opportunity like never before. To live our lives in a way that is true and meaningful

This common thread of conversation is beginning to wear thin. So often the different and extraordinary way that we operate as human beings halts our progress. My progress today certainly feels sluggish. When I decided to write about the can’t word it took effect. This being in complete accord with the sentiments I am talking about.

The word can’t, or cannot is a powerful affirmation. Gradually the closer I inch towards my inner connection with this stopping action the more evidence I can show of feeling as if a door has been firmly closed in front of me. Naturally, in the process of expanding life and stepping closer to living in a way that is true to myself, I will be faced with the can’t command.

I am gently nudging and negotiating deep feelings of exhaustion. For me, today is a manifestation of the internal power of the can’t word. As I struggle to even talk about the way I feel, the resistance is gradually diminishing. Could be, that now I remember, any task of meaning is accompanied by the necessity to strive.

Also, why develop a dialogue about resistance without experiencing it. It is resistance that enables a plane to take off and stay in the sky. The next conundrum is whether we are doing the right thing or not. The inertia that we can sometimes feel is very real and an obstacle that can qualify our actions. Without building a foundation of experience success may be an elusive dream. The can’t word is where we find that indeed yes we can do this. We can open the shut door.

Patrick Turner-Lee

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