My 3 Secret Million-Dollar Success Tips

in entrepreneurship •  6 years ago 

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Okay, I get it! So many people are tired of “secret success tips”. However, keep an open mind and let me share my secret success tips with you. Maybe we can agree that success is a recipe and I’m going to share mine. I’ve built 11 successful companies… but I started 18. I’ve had a few failures in my life, but out of these failures I’ve learned some valuable lessons.

Within these painful lessons are the gems of my success and I’m going to give you a different perspective. I hope you discover how to have more success. Are you ready? Great, let’s do this…

  1. Believe it or not, your business’s success, or lack of, is a mirrored reflection of the level of consciousness you are at. It is not about a mindset, but consciousness. Some business owners and entrepreneurs are simply cheaters and liars. Their businesses reflect the ups and downs of someone who has no real ethics and values. There are business owners who feel stuck in their life and in their business. When I have issues in my business, I begin to look at where I have issue with myself.

The beauty of having a business is that it forces you to look at your inner self and not just your outer self. When you begin a new business, the obstacles that have been keeping you stuck all your life will show up. When you want to move your business to the next level, you must move your consciousness to the next level and your business follows your lead.

The way I broke through this was to realize that I was going to be having a series of breakthroughs and my business would follow. I became a lifelong learner in three areas that I continue still today. They are: personal, business, and spiritual development. Your business grows as you grow. If you don’t grow, neither will your business.

  1. Put your money where your mouth is: Invest in your partners and your team. Leveraging talent is the ability to choose the right partners or team members. I’ve had partners that sucked and partners that were magnificent. What I found was that good and bad partners can learn anything. However, only good partners will have loyalty, love, emotional intelligence, and respect.

I don’t look for partners with money or the perfect skill sets. I can fund my own projects or I can bootstrap my startup. I want what money can’t buy in a partner. I want the intangible assets of a great team. I look for love and emotional intelligence. I look for partners with guts and grace. I look for the partners who love the project so much they can’t sleep at night. They want to be a part of it so badly that they can’t think about anything else in their life but being a part of this company. I look for the truth in their conversation and the authenticity in the tone of their voice. I look for those that have love and tenacity because no startup ever goes according to plan. They will need to pivot on a moment’s notice and still trust the process. I look for leaders with genius and creativity. When you have these qualities in a team, you will be unstoppable.

  1. Set the bar of excellence for the quality of your product. Dare to be different, better, and unique. Don’t listen to how you have to be like everyone else. Find your message, your voice, and your originality. Be you in a way that is authentic and real.

Are there going to be haters? Yes. I get judged all the time. Just keep going. One of the ways around the haters is to have the best product. No one can say anything when you are the best in your industry. When you treat people the best, it means that you are the one they think they can trust and this should be true. People want to trust you and your services long term.

Your product becomes the best when it helps others achieve their goals. If you want to hit 7 figures, you will grow it quickly when people are talking positively about your product. This can 10x your business before you know it! Word of mouth is the key to how you have to take the position as the best. You can’t release your product, say it’s the best, and then suddenly people believe it.

Your clients must say it for it to be true. That is the way business is; you are the best when the people say you are. Business is a “people’s choice award”. Want to continue to be the best? When you have the best product, make sure you listen to your clients and update your products to reflect their additions and you will continue being the best.

Finally, I want to share my bonus secret tip: I evaluate and take the risk of a leader.

· I do the most personal development of all of my team

· I put my money where my mouth is and I choose my talent

· I set the bar higher for me than anyone else on my team

· I set the beat, the example, and bar of excellence I want from my team

· I am what I want my company and team to become

· I become the first person who embodies the direction and vision

I live that way. I live and love the way I expect others to live and love a project. Am I perfect at it? No! But with practice, my batting average continues to get better and better and so do my profits, quality of life, friendships, partnership and fun.

These are my secrets. What are yours?

Vickie Helm is a bestselling author, business and asset strategist, and the CEO of Smart Group Firm. She has improved the success of more than a thousand companies and the lives of thousands of individuals throughout her career. You can learn more about Vickie at or

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