Mississippi River nurdle spill inspires effort in Congress to curb plastic pollution

in enviro •  4 years ago 


“That is why my legislation would prohibit companies from discharging this dangerous waste into our environment – to put an end to the tragic spills we’ve seen in states like Louisiana.”

Interesting article about the recent nurdle spill in the Mississippi River and what is being done about it. It shouldn't take an act of congress to know that you shouldn't be dumping plastics in the environment, but i guess that is where we are in the world. Anyway good to see that there will be at least a little punishment if this happens again. Let's keep the environment as clean as possible.

Read the full story here....

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What a mess, glad to see that someone has noticed it and trying make it better.

Crypto kind of lifeless to start the week

I see that there might be a buyout of Aphra, that's the rumor anyway

I'm selling calls of it though, I just don't know if that will happen or at what price

Gold and silver got a little pop today, I'm active in then options market on them

Hopefully gold stays above the 1900 level

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