The Old Dog Examines: The Shocking Facts Behind Bottled Water!steemCreated with Sketch.

in enviroment •  7 years ago  (edited)

  Back when I was a kid we always drank water from the faucet and when I first heard of a thing called bottled water it just seemed strange.  Things have changed, big time! In the past 50 years or so more and more people are concerned that toxins are seeping into our water system and bottled water has become the norm.  

I am ashamed to admit that after moving to Europe over 2 decades ago I fell into the trap of buying bottled water for use at home. Our family has since purged ourselves of this "habit" and have now implemented other strategies.

There is an area of plastic the size of Texas floating in the Pacific Ocean. Photo credit

The above graph shows bottled water consumption world wide in billions of liters. Image credit

 Is Drinking Bottled Water Really a Solution or is it Just Propaganda?   

What are the facts about bottled water?  

  • While some bottled water does come from springs most is just filtered tap water!
  • PET plastic bottles take 700 years just to start decomposing.  
  • Only 1 out of 5 plastic bottles is recycled while the rest just becomes litter or a disposal problem 
  • There are more than 100 million plastic bottles used in this world every day!   
  • In the U.S alone, it takes 1.5 million barrels of oil a year to manufacture plastic water bottles
  •  Every second about 1,500 plastic bottles end up in landfills or thrown in the ocean.  
  • In the Pacific Ocean there is an area of plastic the size of Texas which has come to be called The Great Pacific Garbage Patch  
  •   Plastic is the greatest threat to our marine ecosystem.     
  • Plastic bottles contain Bisphenol A which has been linked to diabetes, obesity and cancer. 

All of the above facts make it abundantly clear that bottled water is not a viable solution for providing clean drinking water.

Vortexes cause these two vast areas of accumulated plastics known as The Great Pacific Garbage Patch.  Image credit

  What Can You And I do About This Problem?  

  • Take your own container to a place where you can refill it 
  • Use a filtration system to purify your tap water  
  • In many cases a water test will show that your tap water is actually of higher quality than bottled water

I Saw This Water Dispenser on my Recent Visit to Bra in Italy

On our recent visit to Bra Italy we saw a water dispenser that was located just outside the "downtown" area. In the short time that we were there we saw several people using it to fill up their own re-usable glass bottles. It seemed like a great idea but the dispenser was so vandalized and dirty that I would never feel comfortable using it. 

This could be have been a good idea. Thanks but no thanks! Photo by @kus-knee

Here is the price list to fill the bottles. 3 Euro cents for a liter of natural cold water. I have to say that even the instructions look a little dodgy! I have however, seen similar machines in good condition inside grocery stores where they can be better supervised.

To Lighten Things up Here is Comedian Jim Gaffigan's Routine on Bottled Water!

In conclusion: 

I must say that we should do all that we can to avoid buying water in throw away plastic bottles. In our home the tap water is quite good but we do use a secondary filtration system and I am looking into purchasing a good quality gravity fed filter.

What do You Think About This Problem?

  • Are you hooked on using bottled water?
  • Are you looking to break the habit?
  • What is your source for drinking water?

I hope that you enjoyed this article on "The Shocking Facts Behind Bottled Water!"

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)


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Let us just open our mouths wide towards the sky when it drink heavenly water!

Haha sounds good to me @darthnava ! That's the best idea view heard all year @kus-knee ! LOL!!👌💕✌

Probably the best idea that I've heard today!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Wow, those data are really interesting.
I personally have drank tap water since I was a kid, cause my parents are accoustumed to do that. I use to buy a packet of six 3/4 litres plastic bottle about every months, so I can use them and refill them when I go around. But after reading this article I'll maybe look for a glass bottle, as a teamworker of mine does.
I think there are some reasons and beliefs that motivate a too high consume of plastic bottled water:

  • Many people, as advertising seems to say, belive that the water they buy in stores is better than tap water.
  • Many people are kind of scared about drinking tap water, cause it may be unhealthy. This may be true in some countries or areas, but probably not in the whole europe. Almost shurely not in Switzerland!
  • Environmental situation caused by plastic bottles is not enough discussed
  • The fact that drinking from plastic can be dangerous is not enough discussed
  • If you drink tap water you are not cool as the guy who drinks from the plastic water in the advertising
  • It seems like all the plastic is recycled and the fact that it take a lot of energy and resources to produce plastic bottles is not enough discussed

Thanks for letting us know about it!

Just yesterday I saw this video:

Wow, that's a really great comment. Thanks for your input!

I've spent 4 month in Bali. You can't drink tap water there. And everybody is drinking from plastic. And they have no garbage collection, and it's hot and you need to drink a lot. So after a tropical rain all these bottles get washed to rivers and then oceans... it's really pathetic.

Nice comment @airmatti

I bought a home distiller and distill my tap water and that's all me and my family drink. Tap is full of anything and everything. As for the trash everywhere? Shame really. Seems like if there's a an area the size of Texas slap full of just floating bottles out there someone would start skimming it to recycle? Must not be profitable enough? Purified means chemicals. Spring means dead organic matter which is what the body is trying to expel everyday along with many other things. Why add more? Distilled is pure water 100% with no additives at all just as rain water is supposed to be but isn't anymore. Some will argue and say distilled is bad for the human body because it leaches minerals from it. This is true as water is a solvent but not in a sense that it's harmful to the human body. It's the universal solvent. We as humans need it for this purpose. Distilled water leaches out only dead organic materials and toxins, etc. not what the body needs. Distilled being 100% pure has the capacity to take out these things at 100% while both purified and spring are adding unwanted dead organics(spring) or toxins(purified) back to the body namely all the pharm. meds people urinate out and fluoride and chlorine. Not to mention the pipes. To each his own though. This is a topic that goes either way with people like vaccines. I've been doing this for years and I know how beneficial it's been for me. On top of using the water to clean out you must put back in good stuff. Namely fruits and veggies. So if you're a fast foodie or love false foods laced with chems. (The SAD diet) Keep drinking the tap........... I think I strayed a bit off topic, sorry kus -knee but it sure was fun typing this rant. Enjoyed.

I really enjoyed your comment. I also drank distilled water for many years and am just now coming around to this topic again.

I did see some designs for huge barges which would scoop up the trash in the ocean and I will likely make it a topic for further research.

Thanks kk! I enjoyed the post.


Also upped and resteemed to share with my Awesome foodie followers in my @momskitchen blog ! 👍👍👍✌💕

Hey great. With you now having two accounts Steemit is becoming a full time job!

Haha @kus-knee ! It always was a full time job LOL! Now im working overtime !! 👍❤👍❤👍❤

Everyone should have access to clean drinking water, preferably for free. It's an essential for life. I drink tap water at home and work. I'll ask for it in restaurants too. I only buy bottled water when there's no easy alternative. We need to get away from our disposable culture. It's not sustainable

You are so right! I actually started this article after I saw the dispensing machine in Italy. Doing the research for it has me both shocked and motivated.

Great post @kus-knee ! Here we drink straight from the tap , but many do unnecessarely buy bottled water all the time ! There is many recycling depots to bring an array of stuff in , all your recyclables , which we do with our bottles etc. The rest goes in the bin at the apartment building for recycling ! You can be fined here for putting your recycling in the garbage can or bin !! But I still see many throwing out their water bottles , its sad really , especially here when you don't need to buy them ! I say at least try to use your own reusable container , and help keep less plastic from the landfill !! Steem On my friend !! 👌💕✌👍

Thanks for sharing your experience. You really are the cartoon queen now!

LOL thanks ! I really love my New Cartoon Character , its so much fun and they liven up my posts and comments !👍❤👍❤👍❤
Special one for the Old Dog @kus-knee !!

Polluted water, bottled water and plastic waste. It's best to have your natural water source. But the problem is not only in pollution, spring water, it has energy and it is retained for 24 hours. Various crystals through which water passes give energy, the point is that you always have clear water. Since you live in a city, you need to energize dead water, and you can do it with an enegychip.

Thanks I'll have a look!

This is what the Old Guy uses. 20 ounces, keeps the hot stuff hot, and the cold stuff cold. $10 at Walmart. Easy to clean and stylish too.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I like it! I bought 2 drinking flasks at Walmart the last time I was in Canada and we loved them but they leaked if they weren't kept upright. I'll have to get myself an @old-guy-photos model!

This has a rubberized cap that barely needs a twist and you can hear it squeak as it seals. It is old school design like a bottle top but with a nice wide mouth for easy cleaning. The brand is TAL and I have no complaints. In fact since you mentioned it, I have it full of water sitting upside now for 20 minutes with no leaks lol.


I guess that this seals the deal then!

I've seen water dispensers like the one in your photo, but in much cleaner circumstances. For example, I've used one at a university when I was visiting and it was great.

It's hard to believe plastic water consumption is going up so quickly... I try not to consume it, but now I will try even harder!

Yes, I imagine that the water dispensers are generally good but that one created me out. I will also try harder to use less plastics.

It is easier to drink from the tap in developed countries as water is from a centralized source. Here in Nigeria, water is gotten from dug wells and boreholes and most people take nylon sachet water and bottled water as the safest to drink. Hopefully there would be alternatives so that we can break away from the habit having been enlightened about the effects of bottle to the environment.
lovely and educative post.

Thanks so much. There are gravity fed filters that will make almost any water drinkable but perhaps the cost is too high for many.

Nestlé Chairman :

Water Not a Right, Should Be Given a ‘Market Value’ and Privatized

This statement coming from one of the Biggest Bottled watter company is an absurdity .

I read it all here if anyone is interested in the article

Thanks for the quote and the link!


I almost never buy bottled water. Much better to go hiking to the mountains, and bring 5-10 liter of spring water. This is an excersize for the body and that water is much healthier, full of minerals and positive vibration. Good alternative is to drink Pi-water, which is filtered, purified and energized by a special device.

Yes I've had another commenter here mention energised water which I have heard about but will look into it further.

As I live in China I can't drink tap water. I think if I did I would probably still be visible when you turn of the light and it's pitch dark.

Anyways I am in other words stuck with drinking mineral water here. One brand that I don't reccomend is Nestle. You are probably quite familiar with the brand.

The reason I don't like this brand is because they were sued for taking tap water and branding and selling it as natural spring water. That for me is the ultimate proof of how greedy a corporation can be and how deceitful. Here is the article regarding the matter:

Maybe you could get a real good gravity fed filter and I can't blame you for being sore with the folks a Nestle!

This is very sad and i have witnessed it myself numerous times in Bali, Indonesia. The whole beach would look like as far as you can see that after some current has pulled them in.

That would break my heart. So Sad!

In Germany, we have a recycling system and each bottle has 0.25 € deposit. This is a good way to keep the situation under control. If people have to pay money they do not throw it back. If they do others will collect them.

Yes this helps. When I was a young boy I used to collect bottles to earn money and I did quite well!

me also. great solution. i catch rainwater in a barrel. and dispense to my indoor water container.

I don't think that the problem lies on the bottles cause the whole world has enough materials and means to recycle them
the problem is on the "Lack of Discipline " among us .. some just throw their bottle trash where ever - worse into the water or sewer
I mean .. how hard is it to go throw it into a trash can? Perhaps, segregating trash like they do here in the NL - where in they have separate trash cans for paper, plastic etc etc - and fining those who just throw trash anywhere like they do in Saudi Arabia would somehow keep this world a pollution free earth.
It's US that's the problem ;)
unless we practice discipline - and throwing the trash properly, bottles or paper water containers would still pollute this beautiful planet .. sadly, a whale was once found killed in the shore and when they cut it open its gutt was full of plastic :( - saw it on the news a long time ago don't know where anymore but that was freaking sad!

Yes it is sad. I get very upset when I see people throwing trash on the ground. Sometimes I see the car in front of me roll down the window and throw a wrapper out.

aw.. that really sucks
how difficult is it to hold one's trash then throw in a trash bin once they've pulled over and find one .. sighs .. in Saudi Arabia that's not allowed maybe we should have the same rulings in the EU what do you think Old Dawg?

I think this is a big problem of all countries. I buy a water filter every month. We do not drink water from the tap, the water smells and after the boiling of the edge of the dish is yellow, it's not safe to drink water.

Wow that is scary. Where are you located?


Wow, I'm very privileged to be in contact with you!

Thank you :)

Very nice article indeed.
Personally, I have to sometime buy bottled water. There is no other option. In our area there is not deep tube well. so supply water is the only source of water which is not healthy to drink directly. there is filter in my home but I am refilling my plastic bottle daily from that filter to drink :)

Glad to read that you use a filter.

I always drink water from the faucet here in the Netherlands. As far as I know, it's perfectly drinkable here. However, when we go on vacation to countries further away, I use bottled water most of the time. Not in countries like Germany/Belgium, but in countries like Greece and Portugal, faucet water isn't really as high quality as it is here and isn't always safe to drink.

Whenever I take water with me, I do so in a reusable bottle that I clean with hot water from time to time. I used to reuse plastic water bottles, but apparently that's not entirely safe either, so I bought a safer one. Can't do without my water bottle, even inside the house! I always have it close to me :-)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

It seems that you have an excellent strategy in place. I hope to catch up to you!

Good on you Kus-Knee, that is an important message.

Bottled water is so expensive in the US that a filtration system would pay for itself in no time.

Here in Germany I think our recycle rate is much higher, there is a 25€ cent deposit on plastic water bottles. But luckily where we live it isn't necessary, the water is fine.

:-) @roused

I am glad that I've weaned myself off of bottled water and I agree that the recycle rate does help.

Now it does making a thought in my mind and to think of it i do like the idea of yours .But as for my country the bottle usage is not that much!
But i guess people should give this and take it as a thought and try to reduce the usage of plastic bottle .
Hence get some other solutions.

nicely explained

Yes we need to change our thinking and actions!

That is for sure

This is really an eye opener post for many of us

It was for me too!

This is very sad to see, I was just watching another clip about the trash heaps in the Caribbean ocean, trash was all you could see for miles and miles.
I know plastic is part of the problem and we need to find better materials like hemp, but humans are the reason for this problem. If people started showing more concern for mother earth and stopped dumping their trash wherever they want, perhaps this problem wouldn't be what it is.
The global population needs to collectively come together and start working towards a cleaner planet before its too late

It is good to be educated and aware.

Thanks some how I know all of this but when you put it together there is a "ah right" moment. Some time ago saw a documentary related to this topic, link to IMDB page here for those interested.
IMDB link Water on the table

I am watching your video....
i think its so very enjoying moment.....


I've seen this at the news, few days ago, and I didn't imagined how this could impact my day... I was heartbroken... I was watchig the plastic bottles around me and I got angry...

It is disturbing and we should all work toward doing what we can!

I believe that we all should carry a bottle and be able to refill it with water in most public places. Plastic is really poisoning our oceans. There is a video that went viral from a sea turtle with a plastic straw in its nose in Costa Rica waters.

That is very sad!

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Just collect it and make oil from it. Should be companies interested in,.. raw materials for free ,.....

Let's hope someone does this soon.

nice post.Thanks for sharing

Good post!!Thank you!

Throw bottle into the water is very bad habit

It sure is!

I usually drink fresh water from the faucet, I give it to my kid, use for cooking and feel myself absolutely comfortable with this. We have installed a simple coarse filter, which we change about once a month. I'm not sure that bottled water has much better quality than mine.

Bottled water is most likely of lesser quality than what you filter. Good for you!

Great works, I wish you success


Thanks for sharing such a valuable post to the people. Yes we humans are the root cause of destruction of our beautiful earth.Thanks for the informations.

Yes we should think about what we consume and how we do so!

Very true my friend. We should know what is the root of the things, which is very important for us. Thanks, I want share with you that in today post I have mentioned your name, please come and advice me what will be the future of bitcoin in our country. Happy steeming friend.

The water in the Earth is very low. Pure water is very little left. Your post is very good. Water is described about.

Thanks a lot!

me gusta tu post

Very good!

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Terrible situation.. did you know the project of some young dutch boy who made an invention to filter the ocean? Please look for it. fantastic idea

When I was researching for this article I saw some huge boat/cleaners that have been designed.

I also make a contribution, with us there are drinks only from glass bottles.

That's great that you do that. I'm going to try and improve more and more!

keep up the good job and this video is very nice.


Great post,,,,,,Thanks for sharing..........////////////

Pollute water is such a very bad thing

So, so true!

Good n nice.. Voted update

Very informative post @kus-knee.
Thank you so much for this.