Refill Refill Refill!

in environment •  7 years ago 

50 billion in America and 3bn in Britain. That's 53 billion plastic bottles each year used in America and Britain alone!

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What about in the world?

100 million bottles each and every day is used in our world each day. Around 20% are recycled and the rest are put to landfill or discarded without care.

What's the Solution?

We absolutely must focus on refilling water bottles. By refilling bottles we will cut down on the need for plastic bottles.

There is a problem with this. Cities, governments and countries are not offering free refills in useful places. Ideally there should be a clean water fountain on every street corner. We shouldn't have to hunt high and low for free tap water in airports or in public places. They should be signposted and celebrated!

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Why aren't governments doing this yet?

One reason governments aren't embracing this thought process, they incur costs but don't get any direct measurable benefits. Businesses also argue that it will affect them as consumers may not step into the convenience store to purchase a bottle of water and then impulse buy a bar of chocolate.

Promote Refills

We need to be proud of refilling. We should be proud of drinking tap water. We shouldn't assign or believe there is any stigma with drinking tap water. It's better for our planet.

Businesses such as cafes and restaurants should promote that they offer free tap water. It may not affect their revenues negatively, for I would vote with my feet and use that establishment more regularly.

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Here are some numbers to shock you

  • bottled water is an estimated 500 x more expensive than tap water
  • 7 litres of water are required to produce a one litre PET plastic bottle!
  • Some research has suggested using one plastic bottle has the same impact as driving 1km in a car

Let's go and get refilling and promoting a refill culture!

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