Author's note: This review was published in Spanish language in June 5th, 2019. It may content spoilers.
On April of this year, Netflix released an interesting 8 episode documentary series about our home, planeth Earth. Narrated by the known naturalist David Attenborough on its original language (English) and by Penelope Cruz and Salma Hayek on Spanish language, Our Planet introduces us to an unique visual spectacle, almost photographic.
From elephants walking through the desert to hares and wolves in Chernobyl, Our Planet shows us with its subtle and precise narrative what we could lose if we continue with our irresponsible attitude against certain threats, such as global warming and the massive disappearance of species because of human activity without any control. It makes you reflect and rethink what we as a race can (and should) do if we set ourselves the challenge of conserving the only home we have through responsible actions that could reverse the damage to ecosystems and their inhabitants.
In its official website, which is always promoted at the end of each episode, the program offers interesting material on biodiversity, sustainability and other important issues related to the environment. This material could be useful for teachers who teach classes at the elementary, junior high, and high school levels on Ecology, and could even invite new generations to seek solutions or adopt responsible attitudes in the face of the new challenges that arise in our present.
If you're a Netflix user, I invite you to watch you. Believe me, you'll not repent of seeing the beauty that our planet offers to us.