Clarion Call of Carbon Footprint đź‘Ł : Practical ways to reduce it.

in environmentalscience •  7 years ago  (edited)

This post is made as an effort of the
save our earth movement.

What is a Carbon Footprint?

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The carbon footprint is the actual measurements of carbon emissions produced by the activities of general daily living,it is the result of the sum total of direct carbon emissions of burning fossil fuels.

Why Carbon footprint?
It is imperative to know the effects of whatever good or bad thing present in our environment, whatever affect us, endangers or benefits us is of utmost importance
Continuous and prolonged introduction of carbondioxide(Co2) and other greenhouse gases ,which are compound results of carbon footprint, has resulted in over warming of our earth climate system and this steeping increase in temperature has brought about a peak increase in duration,intensity and frequency of the heat waves in our environment, which is posing tremendous and serious health risk to the human population, endangering us, affecting our environment, life resources, virtually this affects every sphere of our life.

Clarion call:
This has made it fit for all environmental activist and earth lovers to raise this alarm and sound a clarion call to everyone to reduce their carbon footprint.
This post is all about this.
This post is being made in a bid to awaken all and sundry to help save our earth.

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Practical ways to reduce carbon footprint

This are some of the ways to help reduce the carbon footprint effect .

•Recycling :
This is the easiest way to reduce carbon footprint because it helps to reduce the number of things that needs to be thrown away

•Grow a garden :
Growing a garden help to store carbon from the atmosphere into the soil through plant that daily require carbondioxide to survive.

•Minimize Food waste:
All food that are being thrown away contribute an immense quota to the quantity of green house gases as methane emissions, that increase carbon footprint.

•Use public transportation system :
Using public transit help reduce the carbon footprint by spreading fuel usage across multiple user, this reduce the number of vehicles on the road.

•Reduce meat intake:
This is one unpopular way in which we can reduce the amount of carbon emissions, studies have shown that meals that involves meat involves as much as twice the amount of carbon of the vegetarian meal.
Carbon emissions from agriculture are even bigger problems than fossil fuel.

• Replace old appliances :
Older home appliances are less energy efficient in comparison to new ones,by replacing old stuff with new, you invariably save money and energy, this has a positive impact on the global environment.

•Turn off and unplug all equipments that are not in use:
Most equipment though switched off, still continue using energy if they are left unplugged in a standard electrical socket, whether they are being used or not.

• Using green electricity :
Using sustainable and renewable energy such as wind, solar and wave energy can considerably can considerably cut down on our carbon footprint since these energy types are reusable and do not emit dangerous emissions into our atmosphere.

•Use Energy saving light bulbs :
If all humans on earth would agree to replace every incandescent bulbs for energy star qualified light bulbs, we would be reducing billions of green house gases emissions into our dear earth.

•Eating Local and In-season foods:
The general rule here is that in-season food are better than foods out of season and the closer it's availability,then the better.
Eating local food that are out of season has lager carbon footprint than importing food grown in that season.
Also we know that all food that are produced in distant places travel long distance before they get to their final consumption destination,this require extensive fuel usage that produces large amount of carbon dioxide.

This is a little bit odd,but when you cycle instead of drive, you save yourself extensive fossil fuel usage,you save money and improve your health also, or perhaps you can use low carbon vehicles,your choice.

• Reduce non biodegradable waste.
Paper waste,nylon waste and all kind of activities that produces non biodegradables should be reduced, avoided and used less often.

Conclusion :
The carbon footprint effect is as vital and important to our existence, our environment, our health and life in general, taking strides in your own little corner to save our world is necessary for every individual so we can create a beautiful world for ourselves, our children and our generation yet unborn,a world that we can live healthy and not just destroying it with our own hands.


N. B
I might have made a mistake somewhere, maybe in spelling or diction,corrections are accepted,thank you

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