EOS up to near $9.50! Steem up to $3.10 & growing! Approaching a lunar surface comes with choosing the BEST blockchain technology & that is @dan Larimer's GRAPHENE + EOS & STEEM news Stories for April 19 2018

in eos •  7 years ago 


I give you, @ackza 's hybrid EOS News Infographic Template! On the right is the latest news about EOS from Google news and on the left we see Steem and EOS prices and charts from coinmarketcap.com for today, BOTH up and GREEN. This Moonshot is brought to you by @dan Larimer and his amazing Brain. 10,000 Transactions a second, and 1.5 to 3 second transactions and we have a winner!

Here is a link to some Steem Google News stories:
https://news.google.com/news/search/section/q/steem/steem?hl=en&gl=US&ned=us (and on Gmail you can signup to get Google Alerts everyday giving you a list of every news story with EOS or Steem or whatever keyword you want )

So prepare yourself by reviewing ALL Steem and EOS news! You NEED to stay up to date and also sgnup or register for all the EOS Airdrops and non EOS crypto airdrops. @supermeatboy has this great website that I recommend, @airdroptator or https://airdroptator.com which rotates you through all the airdrops so you can get them done fast. And for EOS Airdrops https://airdropsforeos.com is your List of EOS Airdrops, some you may need to signup for on some form somewhere, but these are all free airdrop tokens, and EOSDac has already happened, more to come and you MUST get in on these if you are not wealthy! HOW can you MISS this opportunity to get FREE MONEY? If you miss this you truly are lazy and don't deserve it! Only the SMART people are getting their FREE money airdrops and for MANY of them you will need EOS tokens! Buy them on Exodus.io wallet here https://exodus.io OR on, Bitshares (signup to bitshares here) https://wallet.bitshares.org/#/create-account/password OR you can very easily get your EOS on Binance which accepts steem & let's you buy EOS too! Feel free to signup under my Binance link, I have only made a few pennies signing up a dozen or so people https://www.binance.com/?ref=12761991 But it is about getting the EOS &* Steempower! I BELIEVE in you!

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I'm currently bullish on steem.

Yes, our goal should be EOS and Steem Power and this growth and green uptrend is reflecting so strong and these signs in my opinion showcasing the great vision for future. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

Steem will gradually hit $10 very soon..theres much hope @ackza

Hi i jist wanna show you this as you asked me to do more eos art

EOS has good future in order to take advantage I would say grab more EOS at this price even.

Let me know when Steem hits $100 ......

I believe @ackza says $100 steem will happen by Q2 2019

This summer with AppBase and Communities we will see $20 steem

and with HF20 we will see $50 steem

SMTs will bring us to $100 tpo $200 by mid 2019

$1000 steem by $2020

You are deeply analysis the digital currency
Kept it up @ackza

good job friends


Well noted boss