Today we are going to show you how to register EOS ERC20 contract using
1.First log in to (
2.Scroll down and click on GET EOS button.
3. After clicking GET EOS button check on agreements and clock continue button.
4.Again scroll down and find participation instructions and click on register.
5.Click on MyEtherwallet and you can find the process for the key registeration
First click on 'GENERATE KEYS' and you could find EOS public key and private key is generated. Write them down and keep them some where safe.
Public key is future EOS wallet address and Private key is access key for your future EOS wallet. We recommend you to keep them some where safe external drive or print it in paper.
6. Next connect into MyEtherWallet. (Please check the URL when getting into MyEtherWallet) click on Contracts tab on the menu.
7. Select EOS Contribution on CONTRACT.
8.After clicking on 'Acess' button click on 'function' and select 'Resister'.
9.Put down your EOS public key below 'key string' and select your option to access of MyEtherWallet.
10.Click on 'Write'. When generate Transaction Gas limit should be set as 90000 but we recommend you to 91000 if you want to make smooth transaction.
11.Click on Generate Transaction.
12.Check Key resgistration
After while, check if the contract has made transaction at Etherscan.
When transaction is complete, go back to number 9 and change 'register' to 'key' on 'function' and put down your Ethereum address and click on 'READ'. You can check if EOS public key you have registered is correct address.
You can also check you key registration on EOS Authority (
Thats all for EOS key registration.
Please complete them before June 1 so you could get EOS TOKEN after the mainnet.
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