RE: EOS Wrote history yesterday

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EOS Wrote history yesterday

in eos •  7 years ago  (edited)

ECAF has not been elected by stakeholders = decisions are null and void.
BPs have no, and I mean it, absolutely no right to meddle with the blockchain state without stakeholder consensus.

This is a very sad day in the young history of EOS, where 21 people decided to overrule an immutable chain state without majority consent.

Edit: which BPs were hesitant to change this? they will get my vote. removing everyone else.

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Dear @Ash, thank you for expressing your strong opinion. All block producers were hesitant, as everybody understood this will create a precedent. Please remember that this case is very specific and extraordinary, in the formation of our governed chain.

  1. The token-holders identified ownership of their tokens via a deterministic link between ETH wallet and EOS public key.
  2. Only a small subset (+-6) of the affected token holders (+-100), whos funds starting to liquify, initiated by a person other than the registrant of the public key, as could be determined by the eos911 group, proven by the specially crafted eos911 smart contract,
  3. There has not been any mutation of the chain, only a coordinated blacklisting of the bad-guys and registered accounts
  4. any of the top 21 block producers have done their own verification of the evidence

Only after a 5-hour discussion, the temporarily coordinated blacklisting, using a config file setting, has been implemented by the top block producers. Until we have governance in place to handle this scenario.

The consensus around block producers was the following, we are running a governed chain. No action would be non-governing and would lead to the destruction of property. This is not why many token-holders signed up for $EOS.

In this specific case, in this specific time, the block producers who were voting, and after careful deliberation and discussion, the decision was made to implement this temporary freeze of these 6 accounts of the 100. The rest will be monitored.

Hope this will give some nuance to the events as they occurred.

Regards Boy Maas

I am doing the same. I feel sorry for the spoofed but this is not the way to go. What's the next decission they will make without majority consent?