RE: Raising Realistic Concerns Regarding EOS Proposed Operation

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Raising Realistic Concerns Regarding EOS Proposed Operation

in eos •  7 years ago 

I also think that there is a problem here, because this model assumes that voting power is equally distributed - as long as everyone has the same power in the blockchain, it´s a great idea - but as soon as the vote of a minority of people is more worth (because they have more money = more power) we´ll have the same situation as here in Steemit. Few people own the majority of VP and therefore can dictate where the whole network is heading. In this way, what we are experiencing here, is not different to real life situations. As for EOS, they were trying to even this through doing the ICO over 1 year, so that it will become harder for a few whales to accumulate most of the voting power, which in the end won´t change that much in my view, since now these whales just buy EOS every day until they have their desired power. Yes, the voting system and equal distribution of power is broken in a way. I do think though, that the idea of blockchains is changing the way of power distribution in general, because it works like a virus and its hidden dynamics are loosening up structures. Is it perfect and best solution? No, I don´t think so, but it´s the best way we could come up with at the moment and the intentions of @Dan and others who work on this revolution are good. I always try to keep in mind, that for me people like @Dan are geniuses and their way of thinking regarding these topics may be way over me capacity of understanding the inner workings of these systems. I still trust in him and my gut feeling, that he is up to something I still can´t comprehend - also he has proven with Steem (and bitshares) that he is one of these guys, who really walk their talk and get things going, which is by itself something special in a field, that still consists mainly of hype and hot air. The rest, we´ll have to wait and see.

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Thanks for your thoughts. No doubt he is a smart guy. To trust because of past performance or because of perceived intellect is a great example of a halo effect which can lead to irrational decision making based on false premises.

Wondering what in the world he could possibly be thinking regarding using these methods for self governance?

No doubt EOS will make money for investors. I'm addressing the function down the line in this thread. Look where bitcoin has gone, undermined and infiltrated by Clintonites/pedophiles. Pretty sure one of the same people is involved in this project.

I thought @dan's proposition of radical transparency as a solution to bad actors was novel and provoking, even if I wasn't convinced. Now, after considering these other issues, I'm starting to get a sinking feeling.

My worry is that with the entry barrier to BP, if the Novogratz and TopVentures/ Eric Schmidt ventures of the world start dominating the scene..there will be less of a democratic venture here. The most important thing to handle is what payments and returns the BPs should provide to token holders for their votes and support - and how to stop a few conglomerates from dominating the scene. Yes you can vote out a few.. but how many new can you bring in and what cost? How many new political parties can be formed to fight an election and what cost? May be we should rethink this.

Agreed. That is in line with my original point on EOS. Maybe a hard fork is in order once they release the final code this Summer. Sounds like a worthy project that I'd love to be a part of.