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And you dare saying that out loud on a platform he made? Funny

EOS better cure cancer with the amount of hype surrounding its mainnet launch. I suspect a dump or a stagnant price following the launch. Buy the rumor sell the news.

One man's death is another man's bread.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Prolly will work out as usual... After 1-2 years he will be leaving this projects and starting a new new project so he can make some more millions...

Is there something wrong with making multiple successful projects? And does @dan not deserve the money he has made off creating platform, Bitshares and now EOS? What is wrong with Dan Building something great and earning millions from it? Why is there this rumor being spread that Dan somehow must be restricted to only ONE project for life, as if he is not allowed to work on more than just steem. Steem doesn't do smart contracts.... EOS will... they will both be DPOS and EOS will promote DPOS and thus promote the underlying mechanics of Steem. Also about EOS crowdsale "dumping" their ethereum. that is just their money and they are selling it as planned before the main net launch to fund the project, it was never meant to be held as ethereum, they simply used ethereum to raise money for an ICO/crowdsale so why be angry about a very large eth bag holder selling? This is just how the markets work, why call someone greedy for making a sale of their own private funds, should he have HELD all his ethereum just to keep eth price up for the sake of eth bag holders? That doesn't sound very rational at all.