So Last Night I Went Looking
For quotes by Dan Larimer I wanted to make a video with some nice clips of Ireland with some Dan Larimer quotes and some snazzy music. My most interesting find was this Bytemaster’s Blog. To veterans of Dan Larimer and his projects, this is no big deal.
Like Hitting A Gold Mine
But for a newbie like myself, this was like hitting a gold mine. If you want to know what motivates Dan the main developer and technical lead is EOS. A project that I am invested in and want to support.
I Consider It Important
To get to know Dan Larimer better and find out what he believes in and why is he going to all this trouble. I would encourage you to go and check it out . As a supporter of the EOS project, I think it’s paramount that this project is in line with my own values. If you check out the video clip from the first time I came across Dan and it is the clip below that sold me on EOS and Dan for that matter.
“My Intentions Are To Create Free Market Solutions For Securing Life Liberty And Property”
You can watch the full interview HERE!!! The New Ethereum Killer Cryptocurrency Called EOS with Dan Larimer
“My Intentions Are To Create Free Market Solutions For Securing Life Liberty And Property” How could anyone not be sold on with a statement like. In a world where so much freedom is restricted and corruption and incompetence and corruption is rampant.The World Needs Something New
EOS may not be the Ultimate solution in the evolution of humanity but EOS may bring us all that have belief in its potential and support its mission.EOS May Bring Us All
That one step closer to allowing us all to reach for the stars. The world is changing so either we move in the right direction and change it for the better or we let it be destroyed.Just Like Kanye West Said
Earlier this week “Dragon Energy” I think it’s time for all of us to discover our dragon energy and evolve and I for one believe EOS is that one step further to a brighter future for all of us.“Dragon Energy”
I hope you enjoy the video its just for fun I might have something special later on in the week. This post has given me some inspiration.