RE: Reminder: Binance Will Support EOS On-Exchange MainNet Token Swap for EOS Holders - Confirmed

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Reminder: Binance Will Support EOS On-Exchange MainNet Token Swap for EOS Holders - Confirmed

in eos •  7 years ago 

Thanks for the info, wasn't aware of this

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You are most welcome.

I know new people are coming here daily and also others miss info due to time zones, work, sleep etc so I keep posting this one every few days at different times for that reason.

This was announced roughly 2 weeks ago, and just so you know Kucoin JUST announced early last week they will do the same.

There's a bunch of big EOS airdrops coming so it matters where you hold the coins.

Thanks for the vote too, I appreciate that a lot. And the one last week, I forgot to say thanks then LOL.