Delegate ability
Token holders on the EOS.IO software blockchain may not need to consume all or part of the available bandwidth immediately, and these unconsumed bandwidth can be delegated or leased to others; block production running EOS.IO software The author will recognize this capacity grant and allocate the corresponding bandwidth.
Separate transaction costs from token value
One of the main advantages of EOS.IO software is that the amount of bandwidth available for applications is completely independent of the token price. If the application owner holds a corresponding number of tokens on the blockchain using the EOS.IO program, the application can run indefinitely with a fixed state and bandwidth. In this case, developers and users will not be affected by any price fluctuations in the token market and therefore do not rely on price feedback. In other words, blockchain producers using EOS.IO software can naturally increase bandwidth, calculation and storage, without being affected by the value of the token.
Blockchain using EOS.IO software will grant a block producer token every time a new block is generated. The value of the token will affect the manufacturer's bandwidth, storage, and computation. The model uses the naturally rising token value to improve network performance.