EOS sw/eden Stockholm Meetup 23/8 2018

in eos •  7 years ago 


We are excited to invite you to meet and mingle with the Eos sw/eden team and our ever growing communitty of enthusiasts and developers!

We'll reside at Meeting Room in central Stockholm, Kungsholmen.
With us will also be Everipedia, KryptoGäris and many others from the Swedish blockchain and crypto community.

18-18.30: Registration
18.30-19: Update. What has happened and what is the plan going forward?
19-19:30: Panel discussion
19:30-20: Mingle & beers

You can find out more here:

Meeting Room
Alströmergatan 20
11247 Kungsholmen

Thu, August 23, 2018
6:00 PM – 10:00 PM CEST

See you there!
Eos Sw/eden

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