Is EOS overpriced?

in eos •  8 years ago 

Ofcourse it is, it doesn't exist yet, it's the wrong question to ask. All ICOs or crowdfundings are about paying for a promise. So is 307 EOS for 1 ETH too much for this promise? To answer that question, we would need to answer another question: is Ethereum overpriced? Impossible to answer. So maybe we should ask differently, is $0.8076 for 1EOS token too much? Impossible to answer.

From just a monetary perspective, if we round it up a little bit, you get 1EOS for $1. The US debt is circa $20,000,000,000,000 and there will be 1,000,000,000 of EOS tokens in the future. That means, that the US debt would be 20,000x than the market cap of EOS. So the conclusion? I don't know, i just wanted to put it in perspective, looks like it's quite a lot of money. US debt is 5000x more than the market cap of Bitcoin. Is it a lot? Or is it not? What do you guys think? Anyway, this leads nowhere.


So is EOS token overpriced? If EOS will be 100% functional then it's really undervalued right now. But Ethereum development is lightning fast and Ethereum in a year could be on different level, it could be fast, stable and already used on daily basis, on the other hand EOS would just end the ICO at this time. Anyway, i don't want to undervalue EOS, Dan Larimer is very experienced guy in the crypto space. I bought a little of EOS so i hope it will work out, this year is really exciting.

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EOS is technically interesting, specially after Bitshares, Steem, but now it's pure gambling. The price itself means very little, what is significant economically is the marketcap and the inflation

yeah, totally agree, it cannot be evaluated, it's just gambling, but still it's one of the most promising ICOs, but $200,000,000 in the first stage is quite insane :/

This year is exciting as well. Congratulations EOS team with a successful round 0. The other rounds basically do not matter anymore other than for traders.

That's well said :) i will check the price of EOS ICO rounds every day though

what is eos? what does it even do? could you briefly explain its functions if there are any. is it being traded yet? Thank, I appreciate it. don't they get overprice first then go down once they release?

I you don't know anything about EOS you might want to look at my older steem post
In short: It's practically "Ethereum on Steem", it can be already traded on Kraken.

I cannot buy EOS.. do you have to send to the address manually? Im using Metamask and have funds in it.. i paid twice to register a public key and cldnt get my ETH to send in the desktop client.. FeelsBadMan..

i used parity ethereum wallet, i don't know how to use this Metamask, but be careful so you don't lose your money, i sent the money to the EOS ICO adress mentioned on their official page: After the round ends, you can claim your tokens, i made a video on how to claim them in parity here but the process in the Metamask will be different.

I Figured it out.. you have to manually send it to the address.. atleast i did. still missed out on that initial offering this morning which is a bummer.

Doesn't really matter, the price should not change that much today, you still have chance to participate :) be careful though, as @luigi-tecnologo sad it's almost gambling.