RE: Live EOS Ram Price Chart and Buying Calculator

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Live EOS Ram Price Chart and Buying Calculator

in eos •  7 years ago 

Hi @marketstack ! Thanks for sharing this great tool about EOS Ram!

I have a question: If we have certain amount of EOS in our account, and we sell RAM:

1- We will receive more EOS in exchange, correct?
2-After selling RAM, can we sell the EOS used to sell the RAM? Or need to wait time?
3- What happens if we sell our EOS (from the account we sold the ram). We can sell EOS immediately and leave the account with no EOS?

I just want to understand how selling RAM impacts on the EOS our account has, and if we need to wait to sell the EOS. Because, if we sell the RAM, and then we send our EOS (were the RAM was sold), to an exchange and sell it, and then we buy more EOS and send it to the same account or another account we help, what happens with RAM?

Perhaps @lukestokes and @eosdac knows about this. If so, would be great to get their opinion too!

Hope I made my questions in a way easy to understand.

Thanks for your help in advance!

Regards, @gold84

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hi @gold84

first a bit of background on buying/selling ram on EOS

its not like a the SBD/STEEM internal market or any exchange like gdax or binance... instead of buying and selling with another person you are buying / selling directly with the eosio.system contract itself.

so to answer 1) when you sell ram back to the system contract, you receive an amount of liquid EOS proportionate to the current spot price of ram. if spot ram price is high, your receive more EOS in return. if spot ram price is low, you receive less EOS in return. the spot price is determined by something called the bancor algorithm (whitepaper:

to answer 2) after selling the RAM, you're EOS is liquid and thus available to do whatever you want with it

as for 3) if you sell all your ram, you might not be able to do anything with that account anymore (there's a minimum amount of ram needed to function). but no, there's nothing really stopping you from doing whatever you want with your EOS after your sell RAM. its not like delegation where you have to wait 3 days.

hopefully that was clear, if not, please ask

Hi @marketstack ! Your explanation is great, and thanks for your large reply, it shows you really want EOS and Steem to fly, same as I do.

I have one more question.

1- If EOS is always liquid even after I sell RAM, how is it that my account got a certain amount of RAM, and not another one?

2- Also, if I receive more EOS, this new EOS have new RAM with it?

3- Is RAM on an account being generated according to the amount of EOS that account had during Mainnet Launch? And if this is the case, no more RAM will be generated, and RAM is just dispersed around all the accounts that had EOS tokens during Mainnet?

And you can buy it and sell it with the system, right?

Thanks again for all the clarifycation!

Regards, @gold84

questions I have been curious about, hard to get answers to as well. So If we buy more EOS on Binance as an example. Can you send these EOS to the current genesis account already in existence. Do they new eos provide more RAM?

Indian exchange launches EOS RAM trading 🚀🚀🚀🚀 -

Good idea?